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Mar 5 Carolinas VOA Dyno Day in Raleigh, NC & Zone Luncheons
Just as a reminder this Saturday from 10:00 am till 4:00pm at the Mayhem Motorsports in Raleigh, NC, we will have exclusive access to their dyno for six hours of unlimited runs and a free lunch. The address is: 3909 Commerce Park Dr Ste 101, Raleigh, NC 27610.
If for any reason you cannot make it to Mayhem, you're invited to a FREE lunch with fellow members within your local VOA of the Carolinas' Zone. Kristain, our South Carolina Zone Director in the Low Country, will host a FREE luncheon in the Charleston area. Angel, our South Carolina Upstate Zone, will host a FREE luncheon in the Spartanburg/Greenville area. Lance, our Wilmington Zone director will host a luncheon in the Wilmington area. Each is a TOTALLY free event for club members.
Carolinas VOA Team