Angel's thread reminded me that I needed to get the word out regarding an upcoming luncheon I plan to host on March 5th. There's a Dyno Day in Raleigh for any Carolinas VOA member wanting to participate in that, or if you didn't want to attend that but are itching to get your Viper out and hang with your Viper friends, we intend to have a FREE lunch for the Western Zone members on the same day.
We have to finalize plans, but this lunch will most likely be held at T-Mac in Huntersville, NC. I'll post confirmed details with address and time when I know for sure. Western Zone members can also expect details to show up in their inboxes soon. Once those details are up, I will need to get a headcount of who plans to attend so we can make proper plans with the restaurant.
A little cold weather left then it's Viper-time! Looking forward to another fantastic year for the Carolinas VOA!