Hey, I'm moving to the Denver area soon, and was wondering what Viper clubs were in the area. The only one i found was a VCA club i think...
Hey, I'm moving to the Denver area soon, and was wondering what Viper clubs were in the area. The only one i found was a VCA club i think...
Naw, the CO/WY/UT VOA Club is one of the most active and craziest groups in the US. No worries there and feel free to contact me or look under the Membership section to get in touch with the guys. I can forward your info to the powers that be if you want.
Good news. Sounds great. Thanks! I think i just found the club page (should have spent more time searching first).
Absolutely no VCA club there. 100% VOA. I just moved from Denver to Phoenix. There are a number of great members in that region.
Colorado Viper Club
...and there is a great VOA Club down in Arizona too, so you are a lucky camper!
Welcome Dan, bring that Denver Lombardi Trophy with you. Great club out here. Your car will thank you as we blow the carbon out of the Vipers here in the region.
I'll do my best. Already a life long bronco fan... I'm glad there'll be a good viper club. I was nervous about it. The one out here in california is great.