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  1. #1

    My GenV dealer experience - story tells it all

    So, here is my experience in the last couple of days.

    I go to a local dealer that has a Launch Edition on their showroom. It is locked so ask a salesman to open it so I can check out the interior.

    The battery is dead... He then has to figure out how to get in truck and charge the battery. 15 min later, he gets it done and unlocks it.

    We already know the car is fantastic. While I am sitting in it, virtually every single person in the dealership comes over to check it out as the trunk and hood were open. (btw, it was stuffed into the corner of the showroom and nobody was near it when I walked in)

    Then I ask him what the discount on the car is? He looks at me in shock by the question. I say "Hey, you have had the car for months, its a 2013, and the battery is dead so clearly no action or even showing the car and other new ones in the country right now for big discounts..."

    Anyways, I leave an then go back this morning to show my wife. The car was in the exact position as it was 3 days ago with even the charger (disconnected) sitting by the trunk with the trunk open and torn up showing the battery, but the car is still locked. Super poor presentation. We again have to get a salesman to charge enough to unlock.

    My goodness, how do they expect to sell a car that they can't even to the basics with (unlock and keep a batter charged). So, I know they have trouble understanding the clientele ofo +$100k cars, but they are not even doing the basics of what you would do for a $20k car.

    Atleast they are no offering to do a test drive, but they would need time just to get ready so they could start it.

    Sad a car that good could be treated that poorly on a sales front.

  2. #2
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    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Since 1992, old-timers could tell you 1000+ similiar stories. Sad but true. Some dealers have Vipers as eye-candy..... SRT required a $25K investment to carry the SRT Brand, so you THINK the car would be readily sellable.

    Buy out-of-State from one of the GREAT guys: Roanoke, Ringgold, Tomball, Woodhouse... they all deliver!

    HINT TO GEN 5 OWNERS: Buy a BATTERY TENDER if your G5 sits a while.....

  3. #3
    There was a 2005 sitting at the local Mercedes dealer. It was waaaay overpriced, sitting outside, top down next to the road. when I drove by just to look at it, it was filthy inside and out. The front wheels were covered in brake dust and rubber pieces still stuck to the rear quarter panels. I just could not believe it. Nobody even came out to see what I was doing around the car. The next week my buddy drove by and it was crappy weather out and starting to rain, the top was still down. Im sure that car was traded to another dealership. Its funny how little "some" the dealers care about the appearance of the vehicles on their lots.

  4. #4
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    Rocky Mountains
    What is even more funny is that there are some owners who are no better to the car and it has their name on the title. Dealers are dealers! 95% of them have a special place reserved for them in hell. The rest of the 5%, the good guys, will be in business forever with tons of repeat business.

    So, I guess did you demand to talk with the owner and then deal directly with him for a sale price? Most owners once they can see the cars are selling for x-discount everywhere, know they need to be competitive to sell it. A salesman is not going to make that decision and has no authority to make it. My guess is once that is known and the dollar amounts, you will be able to work a deal that is fair. BTW, as far as salesmen go, they are a dime a dozen everywhere in all brands. Very few know anything about what they sell.

  5. #5
    plumcrazy's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    there are about about 3 viper dealers in the US id consider buying from. Roanoke, bernie and woodhouse. cant think of anyone else. if they are not in your area, call them and make it work. thats what i did to buy my 98 from woodhouse.

    the rest of the "SRT dealers" are a joke IMO

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    Dealers are the weakest link in the SRT chain.

    IMHO 99% of the cars should have been "internet order" cutting out dealers completely.

    I think there are dealers that do add value, Roanke, Tomball, Woodhouse - but the majority don't know or care much about the car.

    SRT cares a lot, I am not sure their dealers feel the same - sadly.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    Dealers are the weakest link in the SRT chain.

    IMHO 99% of the cars should have been "internet order" cutting out dealers completely.

    I think there are dealers that do add value, Roanke, Tomball, Woodhouse - but the majority don't know or care much about the car.

    SRT cares a lot, I am not sure their dealers feel the same - sadly.
    Yup and that's just the sales dept. most service depts don't know jack either. Wish I had a Mark from Woodhouse type near me. Tator's is too far and he's not authorized dealer anyway

  8. #8
    I think I was a bit of an outlier (99kGts), but the dealer I went to was not a big "viper dealer" but they blew everyone else out of the water on the price of the car. Additionally, they even gave me better numbers on my trade then any other dealer did. Bottom line is they made the deal happen because they wanted to. I was in and out in 2 hours and driving home. They had every single piece of paperwork ready to go when I arrived. The thing that pleased me the most was that they didn't treat me like I was a kid who couldn't afford the car. That is the one thing I HATE. They were extremely professional and knowledgeable.

    Most of these dealers could care less if you are offended. Because there is a great saying out there that for every seat there is an a$$. They obviously want to sell to you today at the highest price possible, but some of the owners are hard line their way or the highway.

    Before I got my gts, I was in talks with a dealer for a track pack srt. Said he would do invoice after talking with him for a few days. He was way off on my trades (several thousand) compared to all the other dealers I chatted with, so I walked on to the next one.

    The main point in this story is to find someone who you are comfortable doing business with. Someone you know that may have a good rep or that you trust. With a trade it adds another level to the deal but remember to be realistic. Talk with a few dealers about what they would offer and Avg them out with the deal. If you don't have a trade in then no sweat.

    I hope I provided in sight on this matter. Sorry for the long winded response.


  9. #9
    There are good eating establishments, mediocre and lousy ones! This can be said for every business on the planet so just b/c some SRT dealer has one Viper in stock to sell doesn't mean they have the ability to sell it. Plum add Baxter in Nebraska to your list, they are also top notch people to work with!

  10. #10
    plumcrazy's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    if im going to nebraska, im going to woodhouse everytime.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by plumcrazy View Post
    if im going to nebraska, im going to woodhouse everytime.
    You said you can't think of anyone else and I'm saying Baxter is another good dealer. Not a slight against Woodhouse in any way, and while we're at it Ringgold in Georgia is pretty good too!!

  12. #12
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    When the battery is dead, the doors can be opened by first using the key on the trunk keyhole, then finding the pull-cord hidden at the top of the left side of the inner trunk. That opens the driver door. There is another pull-cord on the right side, for the gas cap/cover.

    They should learn how to use "Hibernate Mode".

  13. #13
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    Merritt Island Fl.
    Funny today, I called Bernie and talked about a few cars he had, nice guy, got right down to business, he is willing to ship to Fl as part of the deal, just couldn't get to a trade # on my car that I was happy with.... So I go to the gym in the snake, leave there and drive by local dealer today to talk #'s on the 2013's they have on the showroom floor... Even brought the title, their #'s were about 10-12K higher than Bernie's #'s and they go get the dealer invoice to show me, I meanwhile pull-up Tomball's Viper Exchange website, they show me the invoice, I show them the car I called Bernie about, the sales manager says, "Can I take your phone to show the GM?" Sure I said, he comes back and says a # ~ 8, I said that the tomball car comes with FREE delivery..... I ended up having to leave, the wife has the flu, and wanted to get home to check on her, but I will say my local dealer was trying to get a deal put together, but I would really have to sell our car 1st, and then go in there with cash in hand. I bet I a get a call between now and the end of the year from the local guys.....

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MI Viper View Post
    Funny today, I called Bernie and talked about a few cars he had, nice guy, got right down to business, he is willing to ship to Fl as part of the deal, just couldn't get to a trade # on my car that I was happy with.... So I go to the gym in the snake, leave there and drive by local dealer today to talk #'s on the 2013's they have on the showroom floor... Even brought the title, their #'s were about 10-12K higher than Bernie's #'s and they go get the dealer invoice to show me, I meanwhile pull-up Tomball's Viper Exchange website, they show me the invoice, I show them the car I called Bernie about, the sales manager says, "Can I take your phone to show the GM?" Sure I said, he comes back and says a # ~ 8, I said that the tomball car comes with FREE delivery..... I ended up having to leave, the wife has the flu, and wanted to get home to check on her, but I will say my local dealer was trying to get a deal put together, but I would really have to sell our car 1st, and then go in there with cash in hand. I bet I a get a call between now and the end of the year from the local guys.....
    Also consider you may not get what you want for your car, but the tax savings may work to your advantage.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    Also consider you may not get what you want for your car, but the tax savings may work to your advantage.
    That maybe true, but we were still too far apart, and he used that tax savings point also... Plus if I don't get want I want for my car, i'll just keep it, (it's payed for) and start tweaking her with Belangers Ex., etc...
    Merry X-mas Everyone.
    MI V.

  16. #16
    I went to go look at a gen V at my local dealer. I was a day late after they sold it to someone else, so I missed out.
    The sales guy could only tell me how great it looked and how nice it was, and that it was $135,000.
    Then he said they wouldn't get another one in til February and that it will be even more expensive.
    -That was the big sales pitch.......the next one is gonna really be nice.

    This is the dealer that I bought my current Viper from.
    I buy a lot of parts from this place, and one of the manager dudes had called me to let me know they got a new Viper in for me to look at if I was interested. -I thought that was cool,.... until I talked to the sales guy when I got there.

    I think the issue is, sales staff that doesn't know the product they are selling or the demographic of buyers they are selling to.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allan View Post
    I went to go look at a gen V at my local dealer. I was a day late after they sold it to someone else, so I missed out.
    The sales guy could only tell me how great it looked and how nice it was, and that it was $135,000.
    Then he said they wouldn't get another one in til February and that it will be even more expensive.
    -That was the big sales pitch.......the next one is gonna really be nice.

    This is the dealer that I bought my current Viper from.
    I buy a lot of parts from this place, and one of the manager dudes had called me to let me know they got a new Viper in for me to look at if I was interested. -I thought that was cool,.... until I talked to the sales guy when I got there.

    I think the issue is, sales staff that doesn't know the product they are selling or the demographic of buyers they are selling to.
    I will say, that the SRT Saleman they had, (Dave) was knowledgeable, went to the SRT class, and really knew the Viper line well. That was refreshing for a change....

  18. #18
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by MI Viper View Post
    I will say, that the SRT Saleman they had, (Dave) was knowledgeable, went to the SRT class, and really knew the Viper line well. That was refreshing for a change....
    In reality, they should just say "Our SRT salesman isn't in, lets make an appointment to meet with him"

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    In reality, they should just say "Our SRT salesman isn't in, lets make an appointment to meet with him"
    Yeah logic should dictate a response like that, but at the same time, They don't want you to walk out the door.....

  20. #20
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    Definitely don't want to get one of those SRT-8 Vipers, by accident. Only certain sales people sell those.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Definitely don't want to get one of those SRT-8 Vipers, by accident. Only certain sales people sell those.
    Well.........those guys do have the best prices
    and the best prices.....

    and they will beat anybody on the price

    go and see their new Vipers...............from SRT8

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Rocky Mountains
    On something like the Viper, the dealership is selling more than just a car. They are establishing a relationship much beyond the car itself. It should be mandatory operating procedure that the owner of the dealership is the ONLY one to negotiate and finalize the deal once it is established that a buyer is for real. The salesman can open the door, pop the hood and maybe start the car so someone can hear how it sounds, but as far as explaining the real features, negotiating price, conveying and committing to the support of that Viper from a stand by warranty and maintenance point of view, it MUST be the owner representing his business. That is just sound business practice right there.

    When I bought my 2006 Viper Coupe new from a very, very small dealership in Ogallala Nebraska (Ron Schmidt Motors) that is exactly how it was done. Was hands down the best new car purchase experience I have ever had from ANY dealership or ANY brand. They did not let me wife and I leave until they got to know us on a personal level. The owner and his wife took us out for lunch as they cleaned the car up and got all paperwork prepared. The owner is the one who sat in the car when we test drove. He is the one who pulled it out of the showroom to the detail bays and only him and me were the ones to drive it, period.

    Now if I could afford it, I would buy a new one from him in a heartbeat but they are a small dealership and sell 95% trucks, alas he is not an SRT dealer. There is a valuable business lesson in there somewhere and it has to do with more than money and forking over the money to be given the right to sell the car not the earned ability.

  23. #23
    And they wonder why the car is still in the same place for several months !



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