So, here is my experience in the last couple of days.
I go to a local dealer that has a Launch Edition on their showroom. It is locked so ask a salesman to open it so I can check out the interior.
The battery is dead... He then has to figure out how to get in truck and charge the battery. 15 min later, he gets it done and unlocks it.
We already know the car is fantastic. While I am sitting in it, virtually every single person in the dealership comes over to check it out as the trunk and hood were open. (btw, it was stuffed into the corner of the showroom and nobody was near it when I walked in)
Then I ask him what the discount on the car is? He looks at me in shock by the question. I say "Hey, you have had the car for months, its a 2013, and the battery is dead so clearly no action or even showing the car and other new ones in the country right now for big discounts..."
Anyways, I leave an then go back this morning to show my wife. The car was in the exact position as it was 3 days ago with even the charger (disconnected) sitting by the trunk with the trunk open and torn up showing the battery, but the car is still locked. Super poor presentation. We again have to get a salesman to charge enough to unlock.
My goodness, how do they expect to sell a car that they can't even to the basics with (unlock and keep a batter charged). So, I know they have trouble understanding the clientele ofo +$100k cars, but they are not even doing the basics of what you would do for a $20k car.
Atleast they are no offering to do a test drive, but they would need time just to get ready so they could start it.
Sad a car that good could be treated that poorly on a sales front.