Originally Posted by
As I understand it, the biggest issue on the Gen Vs is that butlers tend to miss the latte holder when cleaning. So be careful cause that can cause problems down the road. Especially if it spreads to your lipstick holder or neck massager. The easiest fix is to take a sock or a large microfiber cloth, fill it with nickels, and hit your butler with it. That seems to stop it from happening without damaging your latte holder.
Ok for the record, im pretty sure FTV was just teasing when he started this thread. I don't think he meant anything and was just having some fun. I also think that's that LifeIsGood meant when he asked if he was trying to start something. Just good natured ribbing.
I however do reserve the right to get my club with nails in it and have this generational rumble out! As I said, it's so on.