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  1. #26
    VOA Mamba Member
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    It's not the club that attracts a specific gen, as almost all regions at the time migrated to voa (with the only large contingent being Germany not doing so). Almost all regions also came as an entire group, so that compliment of generations came with it, older gen cars weren't for instance left behind. I'll also mention when news of the new club was released, only members could be contacted by their regional presidents, non-members and enthusiasts couldn't. So lots of those people stayed behind. I'll also say if you look at activity on threads by looking at last post times, the voa forums are more active even on older gens - and the posters here are mostly members and actual owners... There's no magic to it.

    I'll say the gen 1 will always be in my heart, so far ahead of its time. I remember having the poster on my wall when I was a kid. I loved the design. Interestingly when you attend local club events though, many people who had previous gen's have upgraded. I was actually surprised to see so many 5's out there, lots of people changed cars. Given only a couple years I didn't expect the gen 5 to be as common as it is!? It's actually quite interesting. Admittedly when I got my gen5, I literally had less of a feeling to drive the gen1. I love the design, stigma, and great memories. But admittedly the refinement and performance of the gen5 does make it more appealing, especially now that I drive it more often in a better climate. But still amazed at how many people upgraded to the new car. Even with incentives and a price drop, the percentage of gen5's I see at club events (especially in IL my old hometown) is still higher than I would have ever guessed.

  2. #27
    no change, but if something is not done to preserve the history not sure what's going to happen.

  3. #28
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperTony View Post
    What changed for you? It wasn't too long ago that you took your fair share of pop shots at the VOA and the people that started it? Why the sudden realization of inner peace for you? If the demise of the Viper brings clubs together that would be a true miracle.
    And I'll agree with Tony 100%, and let's please not stir the pot. We enjoy a harmony here.

  4. #29
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubican View Post
    no change, but if something is not done to preserve the history not sure what's going to happen.
    Something CAN change, become a member and help support it...

    The more cars (of any gen) that show up at club gatherings, the bigger the statement for the car.

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmoknTires View Post
    And I'll agree with Tony 100%, and let's please not stir the pot. We enjoy a harmony here.
    Not my intention to stir the pot. Just calling out the fact the, sadly, whenever the Viper is in demise good things can happen. We may never be able to agree on some things but the Viper....well, it's a peace maker.

  6. #31
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Was referring to cubican, not you tony. I appreciate you pushing back on those comments as that's not where the problem is.

  7. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by cubican View Post
    no change, but if something is not done to preserve the history not sure what's going to happen.
    A club already exists that has the capability to take on that challenge. Unfortunately they can't seem get out of their own way.

  8. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperTony View Post
    Not my intention to stir the pot. Just calling out the fact the, sadly, whenever the Viper is in demise good things can happen. We may never be able to agree on some things but the Viper....well, it's a peace maker.
    Tony, I'm 100% with these line of thinking is going to be the viper owners that can keep the legacy of the car going, as far as my personal opinion I'm not going to be a member of any national club till they can figure things out. Our local club in north Texas Dfw is independent now they can join what ever they like, bottom line we lost so many members that just had enough of the bs on the national level.

  9. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by LifeIsGood View Post
    Seems to me there are a lot of GEN V threads about purchasing the correct floor mats, why is my engine blowing up, my latte holder is my favorite part of the viper, etc.
    Your right about that, but that's always going to happen no matter what the Generation. The reality is that new Generations bring in new technology and most importantly money. What I do to my Gen II has a minimal effect on the future of the Viper. What Chrysler or whatever the name of that foreign entity flavor of the year owner does for the Viper has the biggest impact. The ACR arrives and suddenly it's a game changer. That and the fact that we have a back door development operation between Arrow and Viper Exchange, uh yes I'll take another helping of the Gen V forum. Each time the Viper has gone away, it's taken a bigger effort to reel in the old customers. Car goes away, money goes away, back door efforts go away. So as far as I'm concerned, the only forum that matters is the gen V forum. It's going to get really good for at least the next year and then I suppose it'll be up to the old guys to hold the fort together as the guys with the money will have long forgotten about all this and will have moved on to the next flavor of the year.

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    I'd be willing to bet that 50% of the current Gen 5 owners also previously owned other Vipers in the past. So, we early gen owners are actually here.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by LifeIsGood View Post
    Seems to me there are a lot of GEN V threads about purchasing the correct floor mats, why is my engine blowing up, my latte holder is my favorite part of the viper, etc.
    Compared to what, "My car won't start," "I can't find XYZ part" in the Gen I/II forums?

    Gotta love the bizarre elitism some of you have. The Gen V forum is flooded with people modding their cars and the like. It is a great time for it.

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by LifeIsGood View Post
    Seems to me there are a lot of GEN V threads about purchasing the correct floor mats, why is my engine blowing up, my latte holder is my favorite part of the viper, etc.
    Haha, you're remembering it wrong! I remember a couple threads in close proximity, where the owners were curious that the supplied floor mats seemed like they were for the wrong car. It was the general consensus, that having a car manufactured after the Toyota "unwanted acceleration" fiasco, you get the square area under the accelerator cut out of it. Might as well just wrap us all in bubble wrap before we leave the house these days.........

    I for one, love my latte holder! But the car comes with a rubber mat to replace it, if I feel like pretending I'm a real man. lol. I can take a joke.

  13. #38
    Part of the reason why the V is the best made is because it's retro to an early Gen and has built on that platform in terms of styling, engineering, refinement and performance. I like how you can see the engine better on the older gens. I checked out a Gen III recently and thought how much more I liked his engine bay without it covered up. When production plug is pulled I suspect an owner of any Gen will be glad that they possess Some thing that money can no longer buy. It's coming.

  14. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubican View Post
    Tony, I'm 100% with these line of thinking is going to be the viper owners that can keep the legacy of the car going, as far as my personal opinion I'm not going to be a member of any national club till they can figure things out. Our local club in north Texas Dfw is independent now they can join what ever they like, bottom line we lost so many members that just had enough of the bs on the national level.
    So the Dallas VCA club is no longer VCA, you guys are now independent? If so I'm happy to hear that. The Houston Club is as strong as it's ever been.

  15. #40
    My first local event in new England was my last. I just like being in a diverse group Brand wise.

  16. #41
    Join Date
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    As cars of all Gens get purchased and exchanged by new owners the same questions will keep coming up about maintenance and bolt ons. I take interest in the Gen V forums as I like to hear how the Brand is moving forward.

    Of course it makes sense that the Gen V forums are popular. I do wonder though where all the Gen II owners have disappeared to? Winter time, cars in storage? Not much to report? Quiet here in the UK at the moment.......Roll on Spring

  17. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    So the Dallas VCA club is no longer VCA, you guys are now independent? If so I'm happy to hear that. The Houston Club is as strong as it's ever been.
    Andy, is true the Dfw club it has no affiliation to any national club, and the few members of the voa north Texas club they have nothing going on in north Texas I'm doing the south Texas twisted sister run with the south Texas voa club next week and can't wait to spend some time with some old friends that just love the viper. Don't be surprised if I show up to some of the Houston events and have some fun with you guys. As for north Texas we have over 150 members that want nothing to do with the national clubs and the bs that they have to endured over the last few years. I think everyone up here just wants to enjoy their cars and start having fun like we used to in the hole state of Texas viper round up style!.

  18. #43
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    I almost missed this thread, I was out in the garage cleaning up my latte holder.

    Correction: No, I was out telling my butler that he missed a spot on my latte holder.

  19. #44
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    Montgomery Texas
    I see your region having the type of revival ours had, it's been really fun again. You know you guys are welcome down here anytime and I hope to see a bunch of you guys at NVE2. I am hosting the round up in the fall this year due to NVE. I'll get with you guys about next years round up and see if everyone wants it back in Austin again.


    Quote Originally Posted by cubican View Post
    Andy, is true the Dfw club it has no affiliation to any national club, and the few members of the voa north Texas club they have nothing going on in north Texas I'm doing the south Texas twisted sister run with the south Texas voa club next week and can't wait to spend some time with some old friends that just love the viper. Don't be surprised if I show up to some of the Houston events and have some fun with you guys. As for north Texas we have over 150 members that want nothing to do with the national clubs and the bs that they have to endured over the last few years. I think everyone up here just wants to enjoy their cars and start having fun like we used to in the hole state of Texas viper round up style!.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by dethred View Post
    I almost missed this thread, I was out in the garage cleaning up my latte holder.

    Correction: No, I was out telling my butler that he missed a spot on my latte holder.
    As I understand it, the biggest issue on the Gen Vs is that butlers tend to miss the latte holder when cleaning. So be careful cause that can cause problems down the road. Especially if it spreads to your lipstick holder or neck massager. The easiest fix is to take a sock or a large microfiber cloth, fill it with nickels, and hit your butler with it. That seems to stop it from happening without damaging your latte holder.

    Ok for the record, im pretty sure FTV was just teasing when he started this thread. I don't think he meant anything and was just having some fun. I also think that's that LifeIsGood meant when he asked if he was trying to start something. Just good natured ribbing.

    I however do reserve the right to get my club with nails in it and have this generational rumble out! As I said, it's so on.

  21. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    I see your region having the type of revival ours had, it's been really fun again. You know you guys are welcome down here anytime and I hope to see a bunch of you guys at NVE2. I am hosting the round up in the fall this year due to NVE. I'll get with you guys about next years round up and see if everyone wants it back in Austin again.

    Thanks Andy, we have a bunch of great guys up here is sad to see the state of the north Texas viper club, and I hope things get better up here just like things got turned around in Houston..

  22. #47
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    Edmonton, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    I'd be willing to bet that 50% of the current Gen 5 owners also previously owned other Vipers in the past. So, we early gen owners are actually here.

    Bingo. I don't read the Gen3 forum now that I upgraded to a GenV. But as someone else mentioned, it's also a combination of the fact that there is nothing left to discuss about older Gens. The information is all there, nothing left to figure out. You need to know something? You go search for it instead of make a new thread.

  23. #48
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    It would be good to preserve the history and issues/fixes with the older generations. Not sure what happened with the Viper Registry and the one avid enthusiast that was trying to keep that going, but it appears there was some falling out.

    As far as preserving the old info on the other site - that is becoming less and less relevant as many of the posts have bad links and many posts do not show the important relevant pictures.

    I'd try to start a which color is slowest fight - but the one of one program has made that irrelevant ........ that and everybody knows yellow Vipers are the SLOWEST.

  24. #49
    Join Date
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    Rocky Mountains
    What the hell is wrong with all you guys? The question is not a which GEN is better as this all ended up and always seems yo end up. It is about preserving some history, a ton of "How to articles, etc." just because a person owns a GEN IV and could care less about the GEN I info doesn't mean or lessen the VOA GEN I owners need and right to that info for example. I purposely said GEN IV not GEN V to prove the point this is not just a GEN V issue. Remember to a new Viper owner of an early GEN, it is all new info.

    The VOA is made up of all owners, all GENs. You want to keep fresh owners (non-GEN specific) coming in, the club must appeal and provide value to all GEN owners. Don't like the older GENs, fine. I have taken a lot of pot shots from GEN V owners about this or that or who cares about your 20 year old car. Kind of disappointing as I like their new GEN Vs but just can't swing a new purchase at the moment. It is the lack of united front and respect for ALL Viper GENs is what a lot of members don't like.

    I could easily just be a member of the Colorado chapter and not the National but support the National for info and to get information on all GENs.

    Look everyone has their favorites, but club has to appeal to all GENs to be healthy. Remember GEN 1-4 have been out of production for 5-24 years. They are paying members for a lot of reasons, definitely not all GEN V info. I look a lot through GEN V forums because I will eventually own one. What is funny is people criticizing the early GEN owners for even posting in the GEN V forums.

    Club members better smarten up and drop the silver spoon crap as we are all paid members and owners. Club has to work at attracting members and there are a TON more older GEN owners than GEN V owners. Think about it.

  25. #50
    VOA Mamba Member
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    I think we see more activity in the Gen V forums because it's new and the cars are still getting sorted out plus the added beni of being able to mod it if you so choose. The previous Gens have pretty much been sorted out so there's not much to question on it. I still have my Gen IV but don't really post much on it since I know all her idiosyncrasies!

    Here in Houston we love all Gens, never take potshots at any of them and expect to see them at our events. I just looked at our membership roster and here's the break down by gens:

    Gen I 9
    Gen II 13
    Gen III 8
    Gen IV 13
    Gen V 18

    Gen V accounts for about 30% of the Houston Region's membership.

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