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  1. #1
    VOA Mamba Member
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    GenV Seat Lowering Kit

    Does someone make them? I'm 6'4" and cat fit fine in the stock car, but head touches the roof slightly. With a helmet, it's gonna be rough.

    On the T/A, they are not power seats. So do the 2" Northwind seat lowering kits from GenIV's work in this situation?

  2. #2
    Do they still pump lower like on the srt model?

  3. #3
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Yes, I believe it's the exact same setup except the seats have a different cloth insert on the T/A.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I'm not an expert on Gen V's but you might want to check the thread "Do you like the seats in the Gen V?" as it mentions removing 1" spacers under the seats...

    By the way Orange rules!!
    Last edited by Henry; 12-22-2013 at 04:04 PM. Reason: Additional comments

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Blair, Nebraska
    Super , super easy to do. No need for any after market parts or conversion kits.
    Mark Jorgensen came up with this mod very, very early in the intro of the Gen V. He is off on vacation , but you could leave him a message at

    You have a PM on this .

  6. #6
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Thanks Bill, but my understanding is that the spacers you're referring to in the PM have already been removed by Chrysler on all 2014 models. In talking with Ralph and gang, they mentioned that they did it to give people more head clearance and it was enacted on all 2014 models.

    I'll still reach out to Mark, I appreciate the heads up. Even if the spacers are there, I need a good 2+ inches. Might still be worth bolting the seats to the floor like I did in my GenIV. I don't really have a need to move then forward or back.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Had a few tall folks in 2014s , but check with Mark , but if removed would think you would have no issues -- as noted we have a 6'7" driver in a 2013 with spacers removed , so hopefully no issues
    for you.

  8. #8
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    I'm 6' 2" and after removing the 1" spacer it greatly improved forward visibility and my helmet fits fine without touching. Alex if your extra 2" is in your torso I could see you fitting ok for normal driving but a helmet would be cramped.

  9. #9
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Yep, I'm good without a helmet, my hair just barely touches the roof, so I'm good without a helmet. With a helmet, definitely no luck. I reached out to Mark to see if he's verified the spacer possibilities on 2014 models. I also pinged a few of our SRT gang to see. I believe it was them who mentioned to me that they pulled the spacer on all 2014 models as a value add to make taller people more comfortable.

    I think the car has plenty of space for tall people, just may become a problem for those racing.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmoknTires View Post
    Yep, I'm good without a helmet, my hair just barely touches the roof, so I'm good without a helmet. With a helmet, definitely no luck. I reached out to Mark to see if he's verified the spacer possibilities on 2014 models. I also pinged a few of our SRT gang to see. I believe it was them who mentioned to me that they pulled the spacer on all 2014 models as a value add to make taller people more comfortable.

    I think the car has plenty of space for tall people, just may become a problem for those racing.
    Has anyone been able to confirm that the spacers have been removed for the 2014's? I sure couldn't find any but that may be my own ineptitude....

  11. #11
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    SRT model doesn't have them afaik - they are in the electric seats

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    SRT model doesn't have them afaik - they are in the electric seats
    My '13 had them with its manual seats. Maybe you were just referring to the '14s manual seats though?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    SRT model doesn't have them afaik - they are in the electric seats
    I couldn't stand looking at the car in the garage any longer and since it made it to above 50 degrees here today took the TA for a spin. The ride is actually quite comfortable in the softer setting and I wouldn't have any problem driving this thing long distances. Something to think about Harold as you seem to like the orange!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    My '13 had them with its manual seats. Maybe you were just referring to the '14s manual seats though?
    Damn it now you'll make me go look again LOL

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nambo View Post
    I couldn't stand looking at the car in the garage any longer and since it made it to above 50 degrees here today took the TA for a spin. The ride is actually quite comfortable in the softer setting and I wouldn't have any problem driving this thing long distances. Something to think about Harold as you seem to like the orange!
    Ha. If I wouldn't get crushed on a trade in, it would have happened already. I think I am going to send it to Prefix next year. I am pondering an orange satin finish!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Can you someone explain to me what these spacers look like I just don't want to remove the wrong thing.

  16. #16
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    Push the seat forward as far it goes, you cannot miss them.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2doorrocket View Post
    Can you someone explain to me what these spacers look like I just don't want to remove the wrong thing.

  17. #17
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    I removed them on mine a few minutes ago. Just lift the seat all the way up and forward. Reach under the rear with your hand and you'll feel them. Two are located in the back tracks. Mine were loose so they came off very easily.


  18. #18
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    That is because the car was free.

    Quote Originally Posted by ViperTony View Post
    I removed them on mine a few minutes ago. Just lift the seat all the way up and forward. Reach under the rear with your hand and you'll feel them. Two are located in the back tracks. Mine were loose so they came off very easily.


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack B View Post
    That is because the car was free.
    LOL. No, I can say with 100% certainty the car was NOT free. But close enough.

  20. #20
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    One of our Members just modified the seat on a 2013 GTS...first, he removed the discussed stops and gained about an inch...then, he modified track/mounts and gained another inch plus...clever deal. He is having trouble posting...hopefully see more from him later. By the way, he is a very fit BIG dude (twice my size)...about 6'4-5") ...270-280 lbs. with a very tall body. Now, he and helmet almost fit.

  21. #21
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    I have no problem fitting in the car now. It's actually great. Best mod ever.

  22. #22
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Talked to 2door above, unfortunately it was just the seat bolts he was referring to on his 2013, he removed them. The 14's don't ship with those in anyway, so my seat is already down as far as it can go.

    Still hoping someone out there may be fabricating a set of brackets so we can at least bolt the seats to the floor and pick up an inch or so. Would be worth it for those of us who can't see the road at all because our heads touch the roof!

    The issue isn't as much not fitting, I can fit, but I can't se out the front window because the roofliner comes down quite a bit on genV's and blocks vision. I can barely see the bottoms of the cars tires in front of me. Sitting for hours hunched over is tough. Also have clearance issue with helmet. Need more room.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmoknTires View Post
    Talked to 2door above, unfortunately it was just the seat bolts he was referring to on his 2013, he removed them. The 14's don't ship with those in anyway, so my seat is already down as far as it can go.

    Still hoping someone out there may be fabricating a set of brackets so we can at least bolt the seats to the floor and pick up an inch or so. Would be worth it for those of us who can't see the road at all because our heads touch the roof!

    The issue isn't as much not fitting, I can fit, but I can't se out the front window because the roofliner comes down quite a bit on genV's and blocks vision. I can barely see the bottoms of the cars tires in front of me. Sitting for hours hunched over is tough. Also have clearance issue with helmet. Need more room.
    SRT should really address this in 2015 models and maybe offer some sort of retro. Having sat and rode in a Gen V now I can verify the above statements and to be honest, I am certain this specific issue has lost a few sales. I'm 6' even and the roof line was low for me and a Gen IV had better visability. It is not a deal killer for me, but I'm a Viper fanatic.

  24. #24
    if you are looking for the 2" fixed lowering kit I have one I would sell. its from the gen 4, send me a message if interested thanks Paul

  25. #25
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Previous Gen kits don't work on the new cars.

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