I was playing around with ideas to use up some of the shirts I have laying around! Could also be decals!
Happy Holidays!
Click picture to enlarge!
VOA old school.jpg
I was playing around with ideas to use up some of the shirts I have laying around! Could also be decals!
Happy Holidays!
Click picture to enlarge!
VOA old school.jpg
...I'm not hating it...of course I'm partial to yellow and Sneaky Pete...Thanks Sam.
I still personally think the log should have included all the years logo. Just like the other sites logo which was a Gen 3 ...now this is a Gen 5 and if I want a decal on my Gen 2, \I would rather have a gen 2 logo in it not a gen 5. I had a gen 3 on my gen 2 and got people asking me why I would put that on a gen 2 car, I had to explain the reason behind it and , well, it just became a PITA.
I feel you! I designed the logo that had Stryker in the front with SP and Fang partially obscured behind it in the background. It was used on the membership decals for a couple years, in different versions and several other venues.
Viper Logos Red.jpg
Sam,could you do it up with the 4 Viper logos above the VOA? Would be all inclusive.
Just for you!
VOA old school yellow.jpg
Sam, I love #4, but being as how my 02ACR is red this would work much better if the yellow was Red. Any chance on multiple colors depending on car color?
My mistake, I went back to your first thread an saw it in red. Love it! Different logo colors along with choice of S.P., Fangs, and Stryker would work for everybody.