I've been nominated and accepted that for regional WC president of the VOA.
I joined the VCA years ago and when that club went down I joined the VOA.
I've owned 4 Vipers and been into cars all my life. I spent 10 years building show and Go cars and finally built a trucking company. The only consistent things in my life have been family and cars. With help from a few friends I have two websites. thevipergarage.com and an ezine for my magazine articles at vipernationinternational Interested in running an event such as the Mojave Mile or the sscc there are stories with tips on how to prep your car and what to expect if you go to run these world famous events on the ezine. Wondering what modifications you need for a supercharger or how much you can get with a Twin Turbo system? Find that and many articles on How To actually do modifications to your Viper. Find $1100 Viper power steering pumps for under $200 on the VG site.
I currently own a Roe Racing blower equipped 2001 GTS and a 1999 Twin Turbo GTS. 700 to 1500+whp in these cars. I simply can't leave my cars alone and have modified nearly everything on these. I compete on a regular basis although Canada doesn't offer much for competition I've dragged and run the various competitions of RacetheBase as well as a Road Rally in Canada.
I run international events (as do many of our members) and have drag raced and roll raced in the states. sscc is a favourite that I brought home 7 trophies from. Mojave Mile (3rd fastest) was fun as was Spokane and Bremeton "Pacific Northwest Street Car Challenge" (where I finished 2nd and 3rd fastest). In April this spring I'm booked for the Mexican Open Road Rally with a friend from Bakersfield. I've been invited to Spokane at the end of May and will hopefully be hosting a 1/3 mile Roll race at my local airport sometime this summer. I also plan to run one or the other car at Prince George drag strip to test and tune. I am hoping to run my car at Bonneville this summer if the opportunity arises.
As much as my wife and I have enjoyed the wine tours and other Viper Club events (many of these events are articles at vipernationinternational.com I would like to host a few competition events and join with the Washington VOA for an event or two in their area. The VOA sends money for regions to help pay for some of the expenses incurred hosting these events. It would be great to have 15 Vipers or even small groups to come out and enjoy friendly competition as well as cruising around the beautiful scenery of Western Canada.