[QUOTE=mike@calvomotorsports;191356]i didnt get your PM man
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list is filling up fast!!!!
pm sent again...I sent first one to Antonio...
PM sent for the group buy
Do you also offer other heatshields for the O2 sensors, spark plug boots when doing headers ?
PM sent, thank you.
Invoices have been sent to all those who have contacted me. If anybody else is interested please shoot me a PM !!
More pics! I should get it installed later this week.
Yea, I guess I'm in on this too.
Guys i have sent invoices to. Please give me a call at the shop if you havent called and gave me your CC info already.. Thanks to all the guys that got in on this pre order!! You will love the product!!
Still have a few more spots left!!!!
Got mine installed last Friday. Easy install and great fitment. Nice insurance against burning up my wiring with the headers installed.
bumping this thread back up guys!!
Morning gents,
I'm finally back in Canada and got to open all my presents. This is an awesome piece! Any chance you will come up with more shielding using the same products. Just so this isn't the only gold foil piece in the engine bay.
Oh and just FYI. There was no Calvo sticker...
Can you tell us / me what manufacturer makes the gold reflective heat shielding? I'd like to use the same stuff in other places.
Pretty much every race shop out there carries this stuff. Google "gold foil heat" and you'll get many options. It ain't cheap. I believe DEI is the main supplier to most sites.
Yeah I found the DEI stuff but I just wanted to match the look / color / weave so I didn't have a mish-mash of heat protection showing.
Looks to be the DEI stuff as best I can tell
Interested in buying one of these today. Who should I contact? Thank you.
I'll be interested in a complete set for all heat protection (including more protection/deflection in the sills around the exhaust/ stuck to the sill panel) once I do longtubes, get rid of the cats (no emissions here in OK), and clean up some exhaust weight (mufflers? Who needs them?), and of course do an ECU change/upgrade.
Agreed, this would be nice if available in a kit of all heat shields for the airbox, fuse box, etc.
I don't think Antonio frequents this forum anymore. Here is his site with contact info: http://calvo-motorsports.com/contact/