Originally Posted by
Bill Pemberton
Going to jump in here as I have over the years, as the Forged internal story is always a bit convoluted. Porsche and Corvette also went to the Hypereutectic pistons back then and somehow folks think things changed with future Vipers and other vehicles. Silly part is folks tend to forget that the fastest Gen II was a 2000 Red RT-10 run at Englishtown , and guess what --Hypereutectic pistons. The other History lesson was folks were told when picking up their 2000 vehicles at the Plant , about the increase in power and grunt by the Plant workers. Viper Days even added a point to the class matrix because Skip Thomas was aware of the HP gain ( I know this as I was part of establishing the matrix ), but as Dodge did not want GM to be aware of this , they asked him to cease and desist and the Matrix dropped the point on 2000 Snakes. The funny thing is a 1999 was riddled with rumors of being the slowest Viper ever due to supposed computer changes and the heavy 18 inch rims and tires ( heh, I still think that was a funny situation). To show how things can be changed by perception, not too long into the 2000 build there were guys calling themselves the " Forged Horsemen" who touted the benefits of being better to Supercharge than the new models - 2000 way out sold the 1999 model year , by the way. So here we are years later and old legends and misconceptions still continue , especially when very, very , very few Gen IIs were initially supercharged , but the concept lives on. There are a ton more Supercharged Gen IIIs ( we alone did 250-300 of them ) and curiously , they have cast pistons, ha. Fun part to bring this all up , is it shows how a little imagination, rumors , retelling a story , can change many perceptions and to this day folks call the 2000 a " Creampuff " yet no real difference in 01 or 02, it has been the only year that it seems to be brought up. Nary a comment is made on the Gen IIIs, and to me it is a humorous tale of how something new or not done before turns into a situation , and surprisingly dies out with later machines still having cast pistons. Nuff , said , but always loved the irony that what this all really states is the most vocal often win , or can change impressions - whether right or wrong.