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  1. #26
    Ys theres been a few with debris issues here n there but nothing widespread thats been sustainably proven to date.

  2. #27
    Interesting. Was reading a build thread on a blue viper on here and seems he caught debris in his before engine failure luckily. Seems just like anything else these days. Pay 100k for a car and spend a separate amount on preventative maintenance or just hope the issues happen before warranty expires. Engine dropped a valve in my C6Z at 32k, engine replaced and it went another 60k on the new engine until I sold it last year at 95k for my viper. Was thinking about a gen V but I may wait until this issue gets sorted out or at least clearly identified

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    New Jersey
    I haven't seen any for a while.

  4. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Ron View Post
    I haven't seen any for a while.
    ACR shit the bed in June.

  5. #30
    Any documented engine failures after the washing station was implemented? Basically any failures on any 2017's???

    I think There may actually be some early 2017's that were produced prior to the washing station being implemented. Anyone know when they started this process and if any 17's were produced prior to this?

  6. #31
    I've been watching carefully for any reports of '17 engines going south, but so far I haven't heard of any. I figured that by now, since there are a bunch out there and driving conditions are good, we'd hear of something if there still is an issue.

    My car used about a half quart of oil during the first 100 miles, but since then doesn't seem to have used a drop (about 500 miles on it now). Maybe I just got lucky, or maybe the super anal break-in procedure really does matter.

  7. #32
    Bruce H.
    Quote Originally Posted by luvboost View Post
    Was thinking about a gen V but I may wait until this issue gets sorted out or at least clearly identified
    It has been and if they haven't told us by now they never will. Buy, drive, enjoy. Buying extended warranty on any expensive car seems to make a lot of sense for buyers planning to keep it beyond the factory warranty period. No guarantees in life, but at least the extended warranty can help those that want one.

  8. #33
    Check out Antonio Calvo at Calvo Motorsports. He has disasembaled countless GEN Vs. He did a live feed of a 2017 ACR engine being taken apart and the damage from only 1500 miles of use was shocking.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #34
    crazy, I wonder what the details were on that one.

  10. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by 7TH_SIGN View Post
    Check out Antonio Calvo at Calvo Motorsports. He has disasembaled countless GEN Vs. He did a live feed of a 2017 ACR engine being taken apart and the damage from only 1500 miles of use was shocking.
    There have been some criticisms regarding the feedback from those guys as being somewhat self serving. Some bearing wear doesn't necessarily mean engine was on the brink of failure.

  11. #36
    This ^^^^^^

  12. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by ACRSNK View Post
    There have been some criticisms regarding the feedback from those guys as being somewhat self serving. Some bearing wear doesn't necessarily mean engine was on the brink of failure.
    That's not "some" bearing wear. That's serious wear for only 1500 miles.

    I can't agree with the self serving comment. They're an independent shop simply sharing their findings. Something FCA still has yet to do. I trust them and any of the other well known reputable Viper shops over FCA.
    Last edited by 7TH_SIGN; 08-04-2017 at 05:27 PM.

  13. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by ACRSNK View Post
    Any documented engine failures after the washing station was implemented? Basically any failures on any 2017's???

    I think There may actually be some early 2017's that were produced prior to the washing station being implemented. Anyone know when they started this process and if any 17's were produced prior to this?

    Eugene's 16 ACR failed.

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