Quote Originally Posted by 7TH_SIGN View Post
Isn't this the first turbo built for D3? If so I am not surprised it took a year. All the research and development, trial and errors along with a aftermarket cam and complete engine build. Not to mention all the dyno time and tuning. Cage, parachute fabrication. Builds like this don't happen over night. Especially on a first time attempt. This was not a "final production" kit they just slapped on to a stock motor. I can tell you from owning multiple cars with certified cages that it takes time to even do that correctly.

1000+whp at only 8psi!!! Lets give props where its due guys. More than half of us on here don't even have half the money it takes to build this caliber of a car.

Hamad, mubruk man. Get lots of videos for us of this beast when you take delivery! Enjoy.
D3 actually was the shop that fixed NASTYGTS's RSI TT build. This isn't there first TT but the first was on a stock motor.