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  1. #26
    Ask Chuck Tator's opinion as to whether or not they care about you. Lol

    On the plus side it warmed up here so I did a 30 mike run. Lots of fun but spent an hour washing salt etc off at the end in my driveway

  2. #27
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    What happened with Chuck has nothing to do with if SRT will help owners when something goes wrong.

    There is plenty to dislike about what SRT has done with the vehicle launch and handling dealers selling the car - but dealing with owners who have issues I have yet to see anyone have anything but praise (except Kris issue, obviously)

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Even Xmas doesn't dilute the venom. I also hate SRT, I know they won't give me a free car wash in five years.

    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    What happened with Chuck has nothing to do with if SRT will help owners when something goes wrong.

    There is plenty to dislike about what SRT has done with the vehicle launch and handling dealers selling the car - but dealing with owners who have issues I have yet to see anyone have anything but praise (except Kris issue, obviously)

  4. #29
    U guys have confidence in bringing your six figure exotic to a Dodge/Chrysler dealer for service? To trust a guy who works on a Dart with your gen v? If you say yes you're in the minority. The thing has the same value of a new Lotus or new Maserati; the difference being at those places the techs work regularly and exclusively on those brands.

    I'm not hating on SRT; I'm offering constructive criticism to help them get people in the brand and to help keep those in it to stay in it. And my suggestion is SRT exclusive dealerships. Just my .02. What do I know anyway? I've never gone bankrupt

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    U guys have confidence in bringing your six figure exotic to a Dodge/Chrysler dealer for service? To trust a guy who works on a Dart with your gen v? If you say yes you're in the minority. The thing has the same value of a new Lotus or new Maserati; the difference being at those places the techs work regularly and exclusively on those brands.

    I'm not hating on SRT; I'm offering constructive criticism to help them get people in the brand and to help keep those in it to stay in it. And my suggestion is SRT exclusive dealerships. Just my .02. What do I know anyway? I've never gone bankrupt
    I completely understand what you are saying. But, by having less dealerships allowed to sell/service the cars ultimately hurts sales. Could they drop some of the dealers that have no idea what they are doing like we've seen recently on video? Absolutely. But, you start to run into the problem of having to have customers drive or get towed hours away for service if they remove to many. This reason alone could deter people from purchasing. Better training for more sales, service, and techs is key

  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    U guys have confidence in bringing your six figure exotic to a Dodge/Chrysler dealer for service? To trust a guy who works on a Dart with your gen v? If you say yes you're in the minority. The thing has the same value of a new Lotus or new Maserati; the difference being at those places the techs work regularly and exclusively on those brands.

    I'm not hating on SRT; I'm offering constructive criticism to help them get people in the brand and to help keep those in it to stay in it. And my suggestion is SRT exclusive dealerships. Just my .02. What do I know anyway? I've never gone bankrupt
    One of the main things that is wrong with the Viper is the perception that's its an exotic by some. It is not and I hope that I am not in the minority for saying it. These cars are very simple to work on, not really any different than any other everyday car. Anybody that thinks they have bought an exotic is mistaken, this is just a limited run, hand built American sports car. I have a feeling the most of new breed of buyers that bought their "exotic, exlusive, luxury car", won't even own their cars to see the end of the warranty.

    I would most certainly trust Chuck Tator to do anything on my car, even if it did have to come out of pocket. I have had one of the Viper Gurus work on my car and the tricks they can teach are only learned over time, not from some class they had to take. The only reason I had to go to one of the Elite was because of a frame recall Chrysler was warranting 15 years later.

  7. #32
    I guess it depends on your definition of an exotic. Implicit in your post is that you think high maintenance equals exotic. That's not my definition at all. My Lamborghini averaged 900 bucks per year to service or work on which is relatively low.

    The definition of exotic in my mind is something made by hand, high performance, exclusive, rarely seen and special. And the gen V is all of those things.

  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    I guess it depends on your definition of an exotic. Implicit in your post is that you think high maintenance equals exotic. That's not my definition at all. My Lamborghini averaged 900 bucks per year to service or work on which is relatively low.

    The definition of exotic in my mind is something made by hand, high performance, exclusive, rarely seen and special. And the gen V is all of those things.
    I don't believe I implied anything even remotely along the lines of maintenance costs in my previous post. What is being implied or more to the point assumed, is that it takes a specialy trained technician to work on these cars. These are very basic automobiles, the difference in being the quantity that have been produced. It doesn't take long to get acquainted with the layout of the car, which if you were ever under one would quickly understand that these guys are very old school with a couple of new school tricks thrown in. Unless you are getting some custom work done, it doesn't take much to work on them. I am not insulting the knowledge or trade of the Techs, guys like Tator, Sessions, Morgensen, etc can do whatever you would want, far past what the average Viper Tech can perform. I think to assume you can't bring your car to an SRT dealership and get quality warranty work done, is wrong. Some have criticized the basic form of the dealerships and that they aren't getting the luxury car treatment through them, it starts to prove the theory that these aren't exotics. I don't need to get my butt kissed and have unlimited access to the espresso machine while sitting in the imported leather chair to appreciate what I bought.

    You purchased one of the greatest DODGES ever built, even if it likes to be called an SRT now. Prince is still Prince no matter what he wants to be called in the current times.

  9. #34
    Hmm I don't want my but kissed either. Just a return phone call; something I didn't get from either of the two service mangers I called from two different local dealerships.

    It might be a Dodge, but $135k is a price point that's pretty close to some real estate I sold not too long ago with a single family home on it where the buyers will live, perhaps for the rest of their lives. Its a chunk of change. So it's concerning when there's no communication and when you finally speak with a viper tech who tells you he's never worked on a gen v before. The word "yikes" pops into your head. I've seen guys like viper Jon & others voice this concern, and know I'm not alone.

  10. #35
    And in my opinion I think it speaks volumes that the OP owns a life time warranty on his car and isn't having it serviced by an authorized dealer.

  11. #36
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    I hate reading stuff like this. IMO the ONLY bad thing about the car is the service experience. I wish they had SRT exclusive dealerships so the consumer could have confidence in their service experience. Most viper guys wouldn't let a dealer even put air in their tires. Alas, when my 1st oil change came last month, I had my personal mechanic do it.

    Don't get me wrong it's great if you live near Woodhouse or Roanke etc. but those types of dealerships are few and far between.
    This sounds like the perfect fit for Tator. He needs to be an authorized Mopar/SRT parts and Service provider. Can I get a second?

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    And in my opinion I think it speaks volumes that the OP owns a life time warranty on his car and isn't having it serviced by an authorized dealer.
    Doesn't to me. He likes Chuck so he is using him.

    You are reading way too much into it.

    Guess I am lucky that my local service manager is outstanding

  13. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by F2V View Post
    Hi Dan, funny you should ask!!! I was in the process of bringing my car over to Tator's for trickle charger install, and scheduled pick up next Friday by Reliable (my road too narrow for Reliable). Hope it gets fixed in time, or I'll punt.

    Attachment 1928

    Last time I saw a Viper of mine on a flat bed, it was a $53k repair bill...hope this one goes better.
    Well at least we know you're in great hands Roy at Chucks! You're more courageous than I am driving on these cold roads with sand and salt all over them. Good luck with the fix, keep us posted!

  14. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by F2V View Post
    Started up this AM, shortly thereafter idle got a bit rough and stopped. Started again, and same thing happened two more times. Last time, would not start at all, only got what sounded like a 1/4 turn on starter, if that.

    Replaced battery with new one...same thing, won't start like above. No codes. Digital screen kept scrolling on its own. Kept pressing starter button, same result as above. A few times heard what sounded like arching or a very small back fire in engine compartment. Could not turn off accessory position on started button...until 3 or 4 trys.

    Car has 800 miles, has always ran perfect without any sign of a problem of any kind. Last driven 5 days ago.

    Has anyone heard of this before?

    This may be a dumb question; but did Prefix have to disassemble your car any in order to paint it?

  15. #40
    Was thinking the same thing actually

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    The definition of exotic in my mind is something made by hand, high performance, exclusive, rarely seen and special. And the gen V is all of those things.
    This. Vipers are rarely seen, and attract just as much attention as other exotic cars. Just because they don't cost $300K, doesn't make them any less exotic looking. We know they are exotic performing. They sell more Gallardos than Vipers.

    Going back to the SRT-only dealerships, that would be sweet. People say "fewer dealerships to service vehicles would hurt sales". I disagree slightly. There aren't many Ferrari or Lamborghini dealerships in this country, yet they sell quite a few of those cars. They don't build that many Vipers at all, so fewer dealerships could easily handle that amount of volume. Tomball Dodge should be the first to do this, we've been suggesting it to Bernie for a couple years now. They have dedicated SRT / Viper techs working there, that do nothing but work on these cars. They even do a lot of modifications to Vipers there.

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by johniew398 View Post
    This may be a dumb question; but did Prefix have to disassemble your car any in order to paint it?
    Yes, 'skinned' except the roof, but they are VERY meticulous...but a good observation anyway.

  18. #43
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    I hope they find out what the issue is fast.

    Let us all know.

  19. #44
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    I couldn't be in better hands...Chuck Tator and Mark Jorgensen collaboration!!

    Initial indications point to the oil pump. No oil pressure, oil full, no leaks. Won't know for sure until Thursday if this is the problem, after Chuck goes inside for a look see. Just 'educated' speculation at this point.

    I'm told that Mark has seen my symptoms in a few G4's. If this is it, I dodged (funny) a bullet, by happening in my driveway vs under power on road...and it wouldn't be a G5 specific problem, as both use same oil pump I'm told. If not, we'll move on from there.

    Big shout out to Mark, for taking personal time from his vacation to help out! WoodHouse rules!

    Merry Christmas to all :-))

    Tator's repair .jpg

  20. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    U guys have confidence in bringing your six figure exotic to a Dodge/Chrysler dealer for service? To trust a guy who works on a Dart with your gen v? If you say yes you're in the minority. The thing has the same value of a new Lotus or new Maserati; the difference being at those places the techs work regularly and exclusively on those brands.

    I'm not hating on SRT; I'm offering constructive criticism to help them get people in the brand and to help keep those in it to stay in it. And my suggestion is SRT exclusive dealerships. Just my .02. What do I know anyway? I've never gone bankrupt
    You have to find a dealer you trust. My dealer DOES service my 2013 Dart (1.4 Turbo 6-speed) since new, my 2007 Charger SRT8, since new, and my 2003 Viper, since I've owned it, almost 4 years now. Never had an issue, and they have service my Cummins and V10 Dodge trucks in the past. Never had an issue. However, I understand what you're saying, I'm lucky, as those types are far and few between.

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    U guys have confidence in bringing your six figure exotic to a Dodge/Chrysler dealer for service? To trust a guy who works on a Dart with your gen v? If you say yes you're in the minority. The thing has the same value of a new Lotus or new Maserati; the difference being at those places the techs work regularly and exclusively on those brands.

    I'm not hating on SRT; I'm offering constructive criticism to help them get people in the brand and to help keep those in it to stay in it. And my suggestion is SRT exclusive dealerships. Just my .02. What do I know anyway? I've never gone bankrupt
    If I lived near an SRT dealer I would take it to them; but I live 80 miles from the nearest Viper tech and don't know him.

    I started taking my 08 ACR to a local dealer when I bought it new because the GM there owned a Viper and one tech worked on his. He has always done top notch work on my car and you can tell he doesn't treat it like the other cars.

    I'm sure that's probably rare for those dealers who normally never see a Viper.

    Now having said that. Because I am starting to get to know Mark at Woodhouse anything major and I will ship it up north to him.

  22. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    And in my opinion I think it speaks volumes that the OP owns a life time warranty on his car and isn't having it serviced by an authorized dealer.
    I assume you mean extended service plan for 7 or so years. There is no such thing that I am aware of as a "lifetime" warranty on Autos. (But I could be wrong ??), regardless even still F2V has bumper to bumper original warranty still for a few years.

  23. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by KRATEDISEASE View Post
    I assume you mean extended service plan for 7 or so years. There is no such thing that I am aware of as a "lifetime" warranty on Autos. (But I could be wrong ??), regardless even still F2V has bumper to bumper original warranty still for a few years.
    Chrysler used to offer it. I doubt its possible on the Gen V

  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by VRYALT3R3D View Post
    Chrysler used to offer it. I doubt its possible on the Gen V
    Au contrair my friends, when I purchased my Gen 5 I also had a Lifetime warranty (mechanical, electronics) included.
    Last edited by Space Truckin; 12-27-2013 at 08:19 AM.

  25. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by VRYALT3R3D View Post
    Chrysler used to offer it. I doubt its possible on the Gen V
    WOW, I had no idea they offered this. Interesting, BUT read Question #7

    Q7: Are any Chrysler vehicles excluded?
    A7: Vehicles that are not covered under the new Lifetime Powertrain Warranty include SRT models

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