I'm cross posting this from the gen 3/4 forum since I am going in for an inspection tomorrow.

I purchased an 08 coupe with full bolt ons and the venom ECU about a year ago, and I'm due up for an inspection this month. I'm located in Texas and with the recent changes with our laws, it's literally impossible to pass inspection unless everything goes correctly. I just installed the factory ECU and drove the car around for about half an hour but I have CEL that won't go away. Just FYI, Yes I did disconnect the battery before installing the factory ECU. I have a few questions.

First, why is this happening?

Secondly, will this issue come back once I install the Venom ECU again after passing inspection?

Thirdly, I am having issue with the connectors that plug into the ECU. When I was trying to pull out the connectors of the Venom ECU, these things were REALLy tough to remove. When plugging the connectors back in, I can't get the connectors to go in all the way. I can tell because the red tabs on the connectors won't push all the way in, but I can't push the connectors in any further. Any opinions here?

I'm sure I am not the only person who has to go through the exercise every year so some advice would be appreciated.