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  1. #1

    Issues w/ Venom to Factory PCM install. Inspection tomrrow

    I'm cross posting this from the gen 3/4 forum since I am going in for an inspection tomorrow.

    I purchased an 08 coupe with full bolt ons and the venom ECU about a year ago, and I'm due up for an inspection this month. I'm located in Texas and with the recent changes with our laws, it's literally impossible to pass inspection unless everything goes correctly. I just installed the factory ECU and drove the car around for about half an hour but I have CEL that won't go away. Just FYI, Yes I did disconnect the battery before installing the factory ECU. I have a few questions.

    First, why is this happening?

    Secondly, will this issue come back once I install the Venom ECU again after passing inspection?

    Thirdly, I am having issue with the connectors that plug into the ECU. When I was trying to pull out the connectors of the Venom ECU, these things were REALLy tough to remove. When plugging the connectors back in, I can't get the connectors to go in all the way. I can tell because the red tabs on the connectors won't push all the way in, but I can't push the connectors in any further. Any opinions here?

    I'm sure I am not the only person who has to go through the exercise every year so some advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The Western Reserve
    The only thing I can thing is that I believe the PCM needs to see a certain amount of key cycles (car on, driven for a bit, then car off). I'm not sure what the number of cycles is but this could be why you're having trouble.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Does the car have catalytic converters?

  4. #4
    GenIV cars will not pass with headers and HF cats using the Venom or the stock PCM. Check and see what all the mods you have are and then you will likely have to start swapping something to get the stock PCM to pass...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Red Deer Alberta Canada
    Possibly did you bend a pin over? Would make sense why it will not go all the way in and also would kick on the CEL

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by 01sapphirebob View Post
    The only thing I can thing is that I believe the PCM needs to see a certain amount of key cycles (car on, driven for a bit, then car off). I'm not sure what the number of cycles is but this could be why you're having trouble.
    Will look into it. Just drove the car again, and the CEL was on after I started the car. One thing I am noticing at cold start vs the Venom ECU is the startup idle is much higher. My idle will hover around 1100 for about 20-30 seconds before settling back down.

    Quote Originally Posted by rlhay2 View Post
    Does the car have catalytic converters?

    Quote Originally Posted by mjorgensen View Post
    GenIV cars will not pass with headers and HF cats using the Venom or the stock PCM. Check and see what all the mods you have are and then you will likely have to start swapping something to get the stock PCM to pass...
    headers, intake manifold and exhaust.

    By swapping something out, you mean replacing the headers? Every gen 4 owner with bolt ons is subject to this?

    Quote Originally Posted by supersnake View Post
    Possibly did you bend a pin over? Would make sense why it will not go all the way in and also would kick on the CEL
    I highly doubt this is the case but I can double check when I take in the vehicle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Dana Point
    You can't just swap the ECU's if your going to get smogged

    After you swap ECU's you need to clear all the stored codes that the Venom ECU had suppressed.

    You then need to drive 50 plus miles so the OBD will ready "ready"

    When you drive that 50 plus miles you need to make sure that you don't let your viper bog down or you'll set a CEL. Keep rpm's at 2Kor more in gear and don't get into 5th

    BTW, worked fine for me in Cali, I've got bellanger header/exhaust, ported intake and heads, good luck, Mike
    Last edited by RedTanRT/10; 12-18-2015 at 09:56 AM.

  8. #8
    It will all be speculations until we know exactly what Code is present. Get and OBDII monitor and figure out exactly what you have a CEL and what monitors aren't ready. You can get all this info with a $20 OBDII USB adapter and a free app for your phone.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by mjorgensen View Post
    GenIV cars will not pass with headers and HF cats using the Venom or the stock PCM. Check and see what all the mods you have are and then you will likely have to start swapping something to get the stock PCM to pass...
    Quote Originally Posted by acrvprc View Post
    You can't just swap the ECU's if your going to get smogged

    After you swap ECU's you need to clear all the stored codes that the Venom ECU had suppressed.

    You then need to drive 50 plus miles so the OBD will ready "ready"

    When you drive that 50 plus miles you need to make sure that you don't let your viper bog down or you'll set a CEL. Keep rpm's at 2Kor more in gear and don't get into 5th

    BTW, worked fine for me in Cali, I've got bellanger header/exhaust, ported intake and heads, good luck, Mike
    Hold on my head is spinning a little bit. I am going to include MJorgensen's quote as well because this pertains to his comment.

    I'm currently running Belanger headers w/ cats and a Borla exhaust system. I was told by the previous owner and a dealership here in town that this setup will pass emissions, but now it won't pass emissions?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Watching to see if you can get it to pass - as I struck out trying to do the same thing. Ended up registering my Viper outside of the Phoenix limits to avoid emissions.

    Do the Belanger headers have a bung for the downstream O2 sensor? If so might be able to add "spark plug extenders"??? My headers had no bung (downstream O2 sensors are zip-tied alongside the trans) and everyone I spoke with said that O2 simulators would not work with the Gen 4? I was also exploring trying to work with the custom tuners to see if they could program a solution that would pass emissions?

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Rocket; 12-18-2015 at 11:13 AM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by uracowman View Post
    Hold on my head is spinning a little bit. I am going to include MJorgensen's quote as well because this pertains to his comment.

    I'm currently running Belanger headers w/ cats and a Borla exhaust system. I was told by the previous owner and a dealership here in town that this setup will pass emissions, but now it won't pass emissions?
    It was hit and miss as far as the stock PCM dealing well with headers and HF cats, yes there is an O2 sensor behind the cat, but the code is likely for catalyst inefficiency because of the inability for it to clean the exhaust enough on its own. That is why acrvprc said to keep the rpm's up which keeps the cat hotter and cleaner before testing, but it will not for sure take care of it.

    Most of the GenV Belangers and cats will work and pass on the stock PCM, the Gen4's did not always.

  12. #12
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    Dana Point
    Quote Originally Posted by uracowman View Post
    Hold on my head is spinning a little bit. I am going to include MJorgensen's quote as well because this pertains to his comment.

    I'm currently running Belanger headers w/ cats and a Borla exhaust system. I was told by the previous owner and a dealership here in town that this setup will pass emissions, but now it won't pass emissions?
    Mark's is much more versed that I, but with that said a belanger header/cat viper will pass smog in CA with the stock ECU. I've got Lou's hi-flow cat exhaust and muffler. I don't think that a borla muffler vs. belanger makes a difference.

    But, as Rocket pointed out below, do you have all the 02 sensors??

    The first step you need to do is clear all the codes that the venom ECU suppressed. That CEL is not going to go away on its own. Then follow the steps I wrote previously to get the obd ready and not trip another CEL

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by acrvprc View Post
    Mark's is much more versed that I, but with that said a belanger header/cat viper will pass smog in CA with the stock ECU. I've got Lou's hi-flow cat exhaust and muffler. I don't think that a borla muffler vs. belanger makes a difference.

    But, as Rocket pointed out below, do you have all the 02 sensors??

    The first step you need to do is clear all the codes that the venom ECU suppressed. That CEL is not going to go away on its own. Then follow the steps I wrote previously to get the obd ready and not trip another CEL
    The O2 sensors should be there. Based on the tendencies of the previous owner, I would be surprised if the sensors were not plugged in.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Houston, Tx
    O2 sensors are what here in Texas have given us the most problems. I try to swap the ECU, drive the car 100 miles and then fill the tank before trying the inspection. Has passed here in Texas with Belangers, Corsa catbacks if I get codes its usually to do with the O2 sensors.


  15. #15
    Good news. I passed inspection.

    It turns out my code was a downstream O2 sensor but Christ, it cost me $460 to get it replaced. $375 in labor for a $53 part.



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