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Everyone goes through those tough times and if you are true to yourself and your approach to life, you wil triumph. It is 4.5 years since I was struck with severe illness out of the blue one Friday afternoon. Until we found out the diagnosis and managed the symptoms to engage in daily life functions, it was the most painful and trying time in my life. It took 1.5 years to track down the root cause/treatments and 2.5 years of specialized physical therapy to engage in simple daily life functions again with managed pain. I was only 37 when it hit me.
In the meantime, it was so bad, I started to liquidate my mini car collection because we did not know the cause to treat. My prized 06' Viper coupe I bought after I sold my 225 staff Automation company 6 years earlier and one of my rare Saleens went as well. Still kept my S351R and a 69' Mustang Mach 1 I had for 26 years.
Keeping my head up, my purpose in life at the forefront and with support from my family, my wife and my friends, I made it through. I eventually found the root cause but pushing the medical people hard to get there. I refused to accept pain pills and nerve blocks as they were band aids. In the end, it was structural related root cause with bones and muscles issues catching up to me from injuries playing years of competitive hockey to the semi-pro level before I got smart and went back to school to get my Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering.
A bad back, 5 undiagnosed hernias in the lower pelvic area caused an eventual tilting and twisting of my spine/posture. The bulging discs in my lower back for years pinched off my pudential nerve causing the prostate to malfunction resulting in years of double digit Testosterone numbers (was on testosterone booster shots for 4 years prior to even get my testosterone to the low part of normal) , an eventual chronic prostate infection grew poisoning my body, my liver, etc. finalizing with what sent me to the ER that Friday afternoon 4.5 years ago which was complete pelvic floor collapse and chronic spasms that do NOT let go. Extremely painful spasms from equipment in front to the exit in the back. Could not sit for more that 30 seconds without going into full spasm down there so had to lay and work for 3 months until the daily specialized physical therapist sessions and nerve extensions exercises released the exterior muscles. Oh but interior muscles down there were still in spasm which you can not really feel but affect the nerves in the area, resulting in throbbing pain in the equipment up front and spasms at the inner thighs because the pudential nerves finger out all over down there. I won't go into the detail of the specialized physical therapy to get those interior spasms out of spasm but to say they are interior muscles and how do you get there. 2 hernia operations, a back surgury, 10 MRIs laying and sitting, myriad of blood tests to check for every type of disease, undiagnosed food allergies which caused IBS symptoms down there due to hypersensitive nerve situation, etc. etc.
I never wavered but took it one hour, one day at a time, until I just got through it. Today, I am happy to say I am 42 years old, no longer on any medications, and can manage any small lingering spasm symptoms myself. In this overall "life" correction, it removed my prostate infection completely, all my blood work returned to perfect normal (except cholesterol, metabolic syndrome stuff from a little overweight), my testosterone returned to the low side of normal naturally (no more ED problems at all), my wife and I conceived a son 2.5 yeas ago and might have one in the oven today, pelvis and spine are now aligned back to normal and best I have felt in 15 years. I am also not on a single medication for 2 years now.
Just have to get my fitness level and shape back to my fighting weight again which is my goal for 2016. My belief is extreme stress causes small problems in the body to become major problems. Case in point my good 35 year old real estate friend almost went bankrupt in 2008 causing unbelievable stress. Lost almost everything and his marriage. He bounced back but out of the blue 6 months ago they found a baseball sized cancerous tumor in his head. Pulled it out a day later after found and he went through chemo, etc. he is 100% cancer free now but they can trace the growth of it back to about 2008 and the stress. He is making 0.5mil every year on real estate here now so bounced back.
Selling my company and carrying it through 2 mergers/acquisitions, a severance package, while reestablishing my career during a time when my wife was laid just off after 15 years as a senior interior designer for a home builder here caused the extreme stress to push the issue. I pulled through that though and am much smarter and stronger for it. Well reestablished as one of the Leaders again in my very specialized area of what I do but for another privately held companies.
I am not sure of what you are going through but as bad as it seems, there are others who have it worse and they pull through. I am sure you will pull through and be much stronger for it. The human body and spirit is amazing how resilient it can be.