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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    High Speed Driver's Education Course

    High Speed Driver's Education (HSDE) (Cost $310.00)
    Carolina Motorsports Park - Kershaw, SC . It is 2.27 miles in length with 14 turns. For their homepage For their HSDE

    I had the chance to attend the track yesterday (December 5th) where I met another Viper couple David & Sandy Gilliland, from Greensboro (?) and there friend David. David and Sandy brought their red/white Gen II, orange TA, and their very quick Neon. David G., is dedicated track guy and was very helpful with his insight f the track and the Viper handling and performance and Sandy was right out there mixing it up on the track with the rest of us. They would be a great asset for the club.
    Now to the track. The facility is greatly managed, registration was a breeze, going through tech inspection was very organized and having a covered garage (extra cost - I think $50-$60) was a great option. Here was a timeline of events.
    0720 - Arrive at main entrance for initial sign insurance waivers, obtain car and driver identification sticker.
    0730 - Go to vehicle inspection and meet you instructor - Have you pre-inspection checklist all ready completed and everything not secured out of car.

    4:30 - 6:50 Left the house - arrived at track.
    8:00 - 8:15 Drivers' meeting of all "class" drivers to go over general tack rules
    8:20 - 9:20 Classroom for HSDE drivers
    9:35 - 9:55 Track time with instructor (1)
    10:20 - 10:40 Classroom for HSDE drivers
    11:10 - 11:30 Track time with Instructor (2)
    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch - They have a small fix/cook to order lunch with a limited menu
    1:45 - 2:05 Track time with Instructor (3)
    2:25 - 2:45 Classroom for HSDE drivers
    3:10 - 3:30 Track time with Instructor (4)
    4:40 - 5:00 Track time with Instructor (5)

    My driving instructor was very experience with the track and great on explaining terms so that I could understand and apply the recommendations on the track.

    The track has a lot of turns and several long straights, where 4th gear can be used as I hit the rev limiter in 3d gear on two of the straights.

    The track is a very , very safe track with plenty of run-off if needed. Each driver will have a one-piece mic and earphone inserted under the helmet so to able to communicate with the instructor. The HSDE drivers are only on the track with other HSDE drivers, making the track a very manageable for driving and passing. My first two track lessons were getting use to the track. Learning the racing line/apex and where to apply the brakes (more on this latter) for each turn.
    After each track lesson, the instructor will have a one-on-one session explaining the good and the bad of your driving and what you will need to work on during the next lesson. I had a great instructor...took me out in his car (corvette) to show me where the lines where when coming in and out of a curve. During the first three sessions, the instructor would tell me when to brake and when to turn or where to steer the vehicle when exiting the curve. During the 4th session he wanted me to explain to him what I was going t do before I did it at full-speed...or rather speed that I was comfortable with. During the last sessions he pretty much did nothing but let me drive...4th & 5th sessions were the best and the most fun. But without the first three sessions to learn the basics and to instill confidence sessions 4 & 5 would not have been as successful.

    After the last session, the driving instructor and you will grade you on more than 10 items with points from 1-10, 10 being the highest. This allows your next instructor to have an idea of what you are good at and what you need help on.
    Most of my scores were 7 or 8, but the lowest was a 6 on braking (my biggest problem). What they want you to do is brake in the shortest amount of time/space before entering a curve. This allows you to enter the curve slower, but allows you to leave the curve faster. It also will keep your brake fluid cooler by using the brakes less. My braking was like I was on the highway...I was nervous about locking the brakes up. It was not until the last two sessions that I would really apply the brakes HARD. Once I gained confidence that I was not going to lock up the brakes, I hit the apex every time and exited out of the curve a lot faster than my first three lessons.

    Everyone needs to go through this at least one time, to really understand how safe the Viper is and to understand their limitations. I plan on doing this 3 or 4 times a year. It was so beneficial and fun, I would like to see if the club would be interest in either renting the track - or get several of us to sign up for the tracks HSDE event.
    We have several members (hopefully soon some new members) that have vast experience at this track and other tracks that could share their knowledge to further our experience. I'm going to try to embed a video of me driving on the track. The video is of my 4th session on my last session, I hit the wrong button on the GoPro and by-pass the video and went to the photo option (sorry Tim).

    Apparently, the video was to long...I will try to shorten it and try later. Here the new link to the video video.

    Last edited by CarolinaViper; 12-07-2015 at 07:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    Great write up, video, and what excellent opportunity! The price isn't bad either. No doubt, this would be a great event for 2016!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Concord, NC
    I've done Viper Days in the past. It sounds like this program is much more like the old Viper Days format with an instructor in the car with you. I would definitely do this more than once a year. Always wanted to check this track out. Please keep us informed. I think this would be a big hit in 2016.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I would love to do this regularly. Count me in. It would be a fun change from what I do on the WNC mountain back roads. It would be safer too lol. My buddy Tom would be down as well Im sure.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    To make it an all club event and keep it affordable per person, we would need about 20 people to register. The Viper couple I met (David & Sandy Gilliland), said they would be interested if we did a day. It might be a couple months (March/Apr 2016), after it warms up some that we could go. Its the most fun I have had in a car since I was a teenager dating my wife...don't read more it to that than there is. I've already inquired about renting the track just for us, which is doable, if we can get 20 cars, cost would be about $350 per vehicle. If not, those that are interested can resister with a Driver's Education date they already have on the schedule and we could meet there. I asked my State Farm broker if I was insured for a HSDE course and he related I was. Check with your insurance company and see if you can get a discount after completing it.

    For those that might be interested, let me know and we will see when and how to fit this into our 2016 schedule of events for the club. I have talked with Tom Sessions, who related if we could get enough involved, and he was free that weekend, he would like to come just as an insurance policy. Much rather would have him there and not need him than to need him and him not be there.


  6. #6
    True, CMP is a great track, and particularly safer than some - however beware of the kink at high speed! Google on that (try: "CMP kink" on the search) and CMP wrecks, and you'll find a lot of folks have tripped up there and not recovered. You are going pretty fast at that point (triple digits) after the long straight before it, and the surface rise/bump/irregularity in the track at that point can really upset the car, and over compensation with steering input and the inevitable tendency to lift when you feel it, will often result in a spin into the inside (right side) tire wall. Solution: 1)work up to speed safely 2) don't early apex/drive up on it 3) don't lift 4) minimize steering input and let car drift out to track left.

    Everyone new to any given track would be very wise to have an instructor in the car with them or (AT THE VERY LEAST) another driver that knows the track and can give pointers. Also all new to a track drivers should do their first session in a lead/follow fashion, with an experienced driver leading the 'train' of cars on the correct line. That's why NASAPRORACING exists (eg. and of course SCCA HPDE classes. Tracks ARE safer than the street, with the caveat that you have the rules and line down before you go fast...or insurance won't matter much after CMP, let's do Road Atlanta, then (Eastern U.S. holy grail) VIR!!!
    Yep, Josh, let's roll!
    Last edited by TCurtner; 12-09-2015 at 08:36 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    N. Indiana
    I have always wanted to drive that track.
    Bet you could get other Viper drivers from out of state to go too. If not, you could let the local Porsche club know to fill in the numbers.

  8. #8
    Next events NASA:

    Also, always search this: to keep current as most orgs use this site

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Thanks, for you comments. At the track during HSDE course all cars have instructors. There was no such thing as a lead follow as to many times the car in front of me was taking the wrong line (as I probably was). It was hard at first not to take the same line as the car in front of you, but after a couple sessions the lines become more familiar. The video was my fourth 20 minutes session, was no need to video the first three, as I was going really slow and increased my speed with each session. Prior to the fourth session, the instructor would tell me when to brake or turn. During the fourth, I had to tell him what I was going to do before I did it. Yes, it was fast, but the first three sessions were a whole lot different. I felt really comfortable with the instructor I had and when I go again, I would like to have him as my instructor as I trust his ability/knowledge of the track.

    As far as Road Atl or VIR, in time. I have to gain a lot more track time than what I have now. Again, thanks for you comments and we would really like some experience guys to join us at the track if we do it.

    Would you or some of the other AL/TN members be interested in doing a HSDE course with us next year? I like Leslie idea, but would rather have just VOA members if possible. I talked with a couple of the instructors, they might be willing to instruct for free track. For those VOA members that have more track experience and don't need instructors...might not want to drive at the same time we (HSDE drivers) do, but if qualified, I'm sure you guys could drive the fast laps when the instructors took the track by themselves.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Concord, NC
    I don't believe getting enough people to sign up for our own track day would be a problem. Especially if the track was ours for the day, and not wrapped around several other venues taking place the same day. As for Tom Sessions, I'll kidnap him that weekend if necessary. LOL. I know where he lives.
    Last edited by revived-gearhead; 12-11-2015 at 11:18 AM. Reason: missing text

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by CarolinaViper View Post
    Thanks, for you comments. At the track during HSDE course all cars have instructors. There was no such thing as a lead follow as to many times the car in front of me was taking the wrong line (as I probably was). It was hard at first not to take the same line as the car in front of you, but after a couple sessions the lines become more familiar. The video was my fourth 20 minutes session, was no need to video the first three, as I was going really slow and increased my speed with each session. Prior to the fourth session, the instructor would tell me when to brake or turn. During the fourth, I had to tell him what I was going to do before I did it. Yes, it was fast, but the first three sessions were a whole lot different. I felt really comfortable with the instructor I had and when I go again, I would like to have him as my instructor as I trust his ability/knowledge of the track.

    As far as Road Atl or VIR, in time. I have to gain a lot more track time than what I have now. Again, thanks for you comments and we would really like some experience guys to join us at the track if we do it.

    Would you or some of the other AL/TN members be interested in doing a HSDE course with us next year? I like Leslie idea, but would rather have just VOA members if possible. I talked with a couple of the instructors, they might be willing to instruct for free track. For those VOA members that have more track experience and don't need instructors...might not want to drive at the same time we (HSDE drivers) do, but if qualified, I'm sure you guys could drive the fast laps when the instructors took the track by themselves.

    Jeff, let me throw these out:
    (my favorite, great videos and ways to learn - all applicable to non-racers also :-) ) :

    I also HIGHLY recommend everyone interested in improving their driving skills to GET THIS BOOK(!):
    Ross Bentley: Ultimate Speed Secrets
    It is a superb book that - if you absorb it and put it into practice - will teach you to become a much safer and faster driver.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The class room instructor recommended the same book...need to get something for the Christmas stocking. Thanks, I'll look on Amazon today.

    Found it and ordered it thanks.
    Last edited by CarolinaViper; 12-12-2015 at 09:21 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    St Augustine
    I 've been there with a friend of mine that drives at NASA, I'd love to take my Viper there, so count me in, if my Viper isn' t ready i'll take my " mountain carving" Neon SRT



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