Okay Carolinas VOA members, let's once again exhibit a strong showing at NVE2! As you've heard, the largest Viper party on the planet is taking place May 11-14th at NVE 2 in New Orleans and in only a few weeks, registration is already over half full!!! There are BIG plans that are going to "WOW" you at this event. The event venues are top notch including dinners, track time, cruises, riverboat, and a door prize drawing for a brand new 2016 Viper!!! Dodge will also be VERY prominent at this event with access to SRT engineers, and LOTS more.
We already have numerous members who have registered from the Carolinas. As you may have heard, Mamba members save an additional $100 PER PERSON if you register for the event by December 31st! Get on board now! It will be a Viper party you will never forget!
Register here: http://driveviper.com/nve2/index2.php
Once you register, please post up so we can keep track of who is attending from our region.