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  1. #1

    Woodhouse Challenge 2015

    First of all thank you to all our Veterans today, without your sacrifices none of this would be possible.

    Please choose to spread your love and your blessings to the truly needy this season and thank you for taking the time to read this. If you feel compelled please share this and keep the blessings we have been given working for Gods glory. Thank you

    The Woodhouse backpack challenge is in full swing again this year. We generally have overwhelming community support, this year it seems just a little less enthusiastic. The need for our support is very real and the children it helps provide for have no way to help themselves at this age. Please take a minute to read about the program then please CHOOSE to give sacrificially for this great cause. 100% of your donation to the "backpack program" make it to the kids unlike most charity's that solicit year round. Your donation is a charitable deduction if that helps.

    God Bless
    Last edited by mjorgensen; 11-11-2015 at 11:38 AM.



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