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  1. #1

    Woodhouse Challenge 2015

    First of all thank you to all our Veterans today, without your sacrifices none of this would be possible.

    Please choose to spread your love and your blessings to the truly needy this season and thank you for taking the time to read this. If you feel compelled please share this and keep the blessings we have been given working for Gods glory. Thank you

    The Woodhouse backpack challenge is in full swing again this year. We generally have overwhelming community support, this year it seems just a little less enthusiastic. The need for our support is very real and the children it helps provide for have no way to help themselves at this age. Please take a minute to read about the program then please CHOOSE to give sacrificially for this great cause. 100% of your donation to the "backpack program" make it to the kids unlike most charity's that solicit year round. Your donation is a charitable deduction if that helps.

    God Bless
    Last edited by mjorgensen; 11-11-2015 at 11:38 AM.

  2. #2
    We have had a few good responses so far please visit the site and give what you can if you have not yet, if you have thank you so much for your blessing to the kids.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Blair, Nebraska
    As an ex school teacher , the fact that so many children actually spend entire weekends with little of nothing to eat, is something I have experienced first hand. My wife, who still teaches 4th Grade, often comments to me about how surprising it is that there are children who come to school on Mondays with lunch as the anticipated highlight of the day. Woodhouse Auto Family decided years back , after a Banquet for our 700 Employees, that while we were all enjoying the largesse of working for a successful company and celebrating , many others were going home hungry. The owners realizing that we already had a lot to be thankful for , and with a workforce that feels blessed to work here , everyone grabbed onto the opportunity when it was suggested, we , as a company, actually give back to others in gratitude the following year. The owner's spent the entire amount they would have used for a banquet as a donation to the Foodbank for the Heartland. They encouraged employees to give what they could to the same group, since it covered the entire State of Nebraska, and a large portion of Western Iowa. When the Food Bank discussed with us the major need to help the 70-85,000 children in the area that go home hungry over the weekend, Woodhouse Auto Family jumped on promoting this needed area of concern for these children. With over $300,000 donated by employees, owners, Viper owners, and community members , in the first year , we have been able to provide over $800,000 the past few years, but this year we are approaching $935,000. Sure , we understand many of you donate to many worthy causes and during this time of the year many programs and charities are asking for your help. Since so many of you are not just customers , but close friends, Mark and I are simply asking if you feel inclined to help these children , that any donation would be greatly appreciated. Frankly the Forum is a great place to ask many of you, as there is no pressure and you don't feel like you have to help the program just because of Mark and I. But if you like the idea that Woodhouse and friends may be able to feed close to 6000 of these unfortunate kids next year, $160 will feed one child for an entire school year -- but any amount is helpful. Thanks for listening and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We hope to see a lot of you in New Orleans , come May of 2016?!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Blair, Nebraska
    Some of you called asking how the campaign turned out , and hard to believe but this year the Foodbank for the Heartland's Backpack Program that Woodhouse sponsored, raised $1,022,240 . Unbelievable and your generosity when many of you do not even live in the two States that these deserving children are from, shows the kind and thankful spirit of Viper owners. Kind of hard for us to imagine that it raised over a million , but bless those of you who decided to contribute, as we know there are many other worthy causes you could have chosen. Happy Holidays !
    Last edited by Bill Pemberton; 12-08-2015 at 11:39 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    The Rooftops
    Wow! That's incredible!



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