Again.... I agree 100% Slitherv10
Again.... I agree 100% Slitherv10
Just to clarify, I wasn't arguing for the trucks specifically. I was stating my opinion that a car club should be welcoming to anyone that has enthusiasm for the car. As mentioned, several other national brands do not require ownership. The Corvette museum was a good example someone mentioned above. I'd love to see a Viper museum someday. To exclude anyone just doesn't seem to make sense to me. I do have a little history about building brand specific car forums and clubs, which were very successful and didn't cost the members a cent. We didn't exclude people, we encouraged them to participate.
Anyways, I'm over it.
I could not agree more. I have been one of if not the biggest pain in the a$$ on this subject. I am not going to beat this poor horse, I am just disapointed in the decision, nothing else.
We need to get over ourselves. We want this car to make it, that means attracting new buyers. Potential buyers don't own Viper right now, and we are trying to attract them to the car. I despise seeing the word exclusive on here. Maybe the world of the " much higher income, much higher education level" isnt for me.
Last edited by Troublemaker; 12-17-2013 at 09:30 PM.
I thought this was over weeks ago?????????? I think we're all set gentleman and ladies.............
Personally not allowing truck owners to join seems silly. There is a wealth of knowledge on the Viper Truck Club. If an owner wants to pay to be a member is that a bad thing?
Notice how smoothly Viper Truck rolls off the tongue.
Guys, if I can chime in. I know if someone doesn't get a vote the way they wanted - the simple solution is ask others or more people (the entire population). The reality however is that the leaders of all the regions are your representative and attend all the meetings - and should also model what the majority would want. A small group used to make decision in the other club - the officers carried a lot of weight and influence. Now we have a group of 35 discussing and it's an open floor. It was a great discussion and everyone was open to it, but in the end there were just too many reasons why it's not an easy thing to simply do. And we can't have (now nearly 900) people vote.... the logistics of such a vote is terrifically cumbersome. In cases where a member vote is initiated, you need to include all people - which includes those not in the forums, not on email, etc...
As with everything the majority would rule. It was clear that many leaders did not want to widen the scope of the club and change what it already had as we were first and foremost a car club and almost everyone felt we should keep it that way. There were also other issues raised with regard to where we should stop. Others commented on the fact that there are many more who over the cars who would oppose, and it could really cause an issue. And lastly, looking for a funding perspective, the club doesn't need to consider this as a revenue generator (and thank god) since we have the money we need to operate.
So I just wanted to frame this with some perspective. For anyone complaining, contact me personally and explain how you might be more "fair". We would love to accommodate everyone and any good ideas is welcome. But we have a huge representative group, and to simply continue asking more and more people until we perhaps get a different answer - isn't the right motivation for a proper ruling. And frankly, given the talk we had and complications we discussed, if all members voted I sense we'd have a similar outcome.
At a time when so much is new, I understand how some might feel this is an opportune time to lobby adding a whole additional component to the club. And while it was voted down, I want anyone not thrilled with that decision to be reasonable and understand that it's not always going to swing your way. There has been huge discussion and lobbying on this, much more than anyone would have anticipated. And it's for that reason that it was considered.
I'll tell you even in my role I've had to compromise a lot, because in large groups everyone's vote counts as less and more people have to agree before something passes (and therein lies the safety to avoid a control by a select few).
We have a foundation that miraculously went in quite well. But now as we deal with smaller details lets not get hung up and lose sight of the big picture. We need to also honor the decisions made and not get analysis-paralysis. It's not a hill to die on and there are still options there that should work well enough for folks. Onward and upward!
Like it was said earlier, I find it a bit jarring that the poll on the forums was near 50/50 yet the vote was so lopsided...not saying there is any funny business but I'm not so sure the Presidents had polled their regions rather than making a call on what they thought was best for the club.
Most of the truck owners sounding off here have been classy and respectful, and I don't doubt there's a good bunch of them that would be great contributors here too. However, if it's not to be, it's not to be.
I suppose my thoughts have no value as I'm not a VOA member...but...
My car club allows anyone to join...whether they have a Mopar or not. As a region President, I welcome everyone to our meetings and events. There is no better way to get folks interested in your club or cars than including them. That being said, my club does not offer anything other than a full membership...and a person cannot be a local region member without joining the national club. (This has been proven to hurt membership..but I get out voted every time and have stopped fighting about it.)
An associate membership is a great start...but I would agree that anyone with an interest in Vipers should be welcomed.
Last edited by Matt M, Pa; 12-18-2013 at 08:38 AM.
All negative comments have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!
Last edited by Sam Goldfarb; 12-31-2013 at 01:05 AM.
All negative comments have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!
Last edited by Sam Goldfarb; 12-31-2013 at 01:06 AM.
All negative comments have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!
Last edited by Sam Goldfarb; 12-31-2013 at 01:06 AM.
All negative comments have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!
Last edited by Sam Goldfarb; 12-31-2013 at 01:07 AM.
Jaded? Ha! Ha!
In the end, I have to follow my Grandfather's advice from 100 years ago as simplistic as it is. Since there is very little the common man can change or influence in government, "if you are in a position to pay taxes, then you are in a pretty good position." If you think about that some, the reality will settle in. Think about the man sleeping in the street.
Sounds like you have done just well, all things considered. Sold my portion of an international engineering business in 2007 (at the age of 34) but never came close to retiring. All it did was pay off all our bills (except mortgage), finish our basement, put a shinny new 2006 Viper Coupe in the garage and a little rainy day money in the savings account.
BTW don't forget about the 1/2 of working people that never paid their taxes either!
All negative comments have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!
Last edited by Sam Goldfarb; 12-31-2013 at 01:07 AM.
Crazy stuff out there isn't there, Sam! Maybe the IRS wants to garnish their profits as they happen this time while working with them.
Can you believe the CEO of GM had the balls to just say the bailout was a non-repay commitment and not a loan; in place and required to keep jobs. CEO of GM stated, they are not even considering a payback on the "bail-out". He refused to even call it a loan. Honestly anyone that supports that company is crazy. Vette or not, what a D-Bag.
All negative comments have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!
Last edited by Sam Goldfarb; 12-31-2013 at 01:08 AM.
Since the topic has degraded to nothing more than a political dissertation, I would like to propose the thread be closed. At this point is fails to give the intent of the original post, failed to remain on track, and decided become a small wreck of ideas, thoughts and phases William Shakespeare would not use to try and describe a fishing expedition to the north pole with Admiral Byrd. NOTE: my comments are not aimed at ANYONE, just as an in general.
To those who own the truck: You are not being tossed away. Far from it. Solutions come from reasonable debate, constructive answers and the willing to compromise. Keep an open mind, and work within the lines as the place starts to get a feel for itself. It just started and there is room for growth. Every Redwood started as a seedling. FWIW
(statement edited in Office 365, and thanks to Sister Anita and Sister Margarette from Saint Mary's of the Snow school located in Saugerties NY. Class of 78)
Last edited by whitebeard; 12-19-2013 at 08:37 AM.
All negative comments have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!
Last edited by Sam Goldfarb; 12-31-2013 at 01:09 AM.