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  1. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    The fact that the board voted 1 to 28 against this topic tells me that old VCA habits are hard to break. I thought this club was going to be different? There are shops and numerous guys that modify those SRT-10 trucks, maybe even more than most Viper owners. That wealth of technical info gets shown the door?
    I don't see anyone showing them the door, just offering a different type of membership. Doesn't keep any technical info from being shared, and I don't see how it excludes anyone from any events.

    If I own a Maserati can I join the Ferrari club? If I own an R8 can I join the club? To me atleast it just doesn't seem like that big of a deal. And if it is actually a big deal just let them in, I can assure you it's not worth fighting over.
    Last edited by FLATOUT; 12-17-2013 at 12:36 PM.

  2. #27
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Actions speak louder than words.

    Like this action. Can't even have a discussion about something, but prefers to tell it like it is. I thought this was a club, I don't need another boss.
    The discussion was held, here on this forum and with the BOD. In the end, it is a car club. Viper is a car. SRT-10 RAM is not. I support their decision.
    Last edited by 99RT10; 12-17-2013 at 01:06 PM.

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    The discussion was held, here on this forum and with the BOD. In the end, it is a car club. Viper is a car. SRT-10 RAM is not. I support their decision.
    Agree. And to compare this with VCA is absurd. They are being included as associate members, that in itself is a plus.

  4. #29
    I did not get on the call the other night because of another commitment. I supported SRT-10 Truck owners as associate members. I also think anyone interested in Vipers should be allowed to join as an associate non-voting member. I thought these were ways to spread the news about Vipers and get more folks as owners. I sent my sentiments to Janni and Maurice. Our club will allow SRT-10 Truck owners as members. But, having said all that, I don't have a problem with the national club voting the way it did. This is just to point out we welcome all comers in our region and reserve the right to set our own regional membership standards.
    Last edited by Joel; 12-17-2013 at 01:25 PM.

  5. #30
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    While I never understood the truck thing, I don't like anyone being excluded from a club. I don't think being an owner should be a requirement to join the club. There are hundreds of people who absolutely love Vipers, but can't afford one yet. If they're passion for the car is as big as ours, why shouldn't they be able to join? There's also the issue of "in between Vipers" people. If a guy sells his car, does he get booted until he buys another?

  6. #31
    Viper Owners Association


    Easy to understand - if you want.

    P.S.: a Viper is a car not a truck

  7. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperTony View Post
    I voted in favor of it. It's a Viper truck from the factory. Then again, the V.O.A doesn't stand for "Viper Owner's Sports Car Association" either for those of you that want to get technical. Viper Trucks will be allowed as associate members in the NY/CT region. We welcome fellow Viper brothers and sisters even in truck form.
    Thanks for your vote Tony. Im sure a lot of the members like myself with both a viper and viper truck appreciate it.

  8. #33
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    The code has been Broken!

    "Parents claim child prodigy readily identifies difference between cars and trucks on a consistent basis..."

  9. #34
    Join Date
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    I am on the fence with this. I see both sides of the argument.

  10. #35
    Join Date
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    PSS: A Viper is NOT a car .... It's an OBSESSION!

    Quote Originally Posted by ViperGTS View Post

    P.S.: a Viper is a car not a truck

  11. #36
    Join Date
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    Blair, Nebraska
    Hmmm.............Rocket that car is looking quite familiar , but it is usually driven by a great looking lady from Colorado. If I have the correct car, you have 15 seconds to join VOA before you
    lose the two beers I will be buying you in Hastings this coming year!

  12. #37
    I'm thrilled the new club allows associate members. The truck people can play, and so can Viper people that are between Vipers, or saving for their first one. This is a huge leap forward from the VCA.

  13. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Excluding anyone that wants to participate within a paid car club is simply ignorant. The club should be for Viper fanatics, owning a Viper shouldn't be mandatory. Seems elitist and unwelcoming, in my opinion.
    Right on. Look at the Vette club. No ownership required. They even managed to build a little museum

  14. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    It's not called SRT Owners Association. One shared component does not a car make, otherwise maybe we should let Dart owners in, I share their nav/touch screen.
    Amen Brother!!!

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sundiego View Post
    I'm thrilled the new club allows associate members. The truck people can play, and so can Viper people that are between Vipers, or saving for their first one. This is a huge leap forward from the VCA.
    Appears to be a good solution in my book. I'm OK with this.

  16. #41
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    Quite flattering that they and many other car owners would love to join and be part of the Viper club. That in itself though does not constitute a membership. An associate ember with limited rights, yes, a full member of the VIPER club, no. I agree with the decision. An exclusive car needs to be exclusive in very way possible. Not just when its suits an individuals personal reason or financially for the club.
    No one said they could not interact on the site. Why do they need more than that?

    There is an SRT truck that not enough for them? Common people. This is a car club. A VIPER CAR club. Not an SRT club or the like. Does a motor constitute being a that what it takes? Dodge, Chrysler SRT whomever decided to build these trucks, built them as their own identity. Being a truck a SRT truck owner, you should be proud to stand alone.
    Being part of this forum does not take a membership, it takes enthusiasm.
    After all, there are a few on here that seem to have an opinion without having a membership. Yet they quote how these are old ways of the VCA. lol...Is being an enthusiast and wanting to be heard on a Member supported site not a double standard?? Isnt it. That is one of the big beefs back in the old site. People thought they were somebody's because of the number of posts they had and the years they posted. That is not what makes this Club what it is. Its the members that invest their hard earned money into this to make it happen. To keep it alive so that enthusiasts can have a place to chatt and be a part of something. Hearing all the negative comments on the boards decision from people that didn't even join is quite humorous. I wish my word had its say in politics but, you gotta be a politician to have your say.
    Have your say as a member. Respect the decision as a non member.

  17. #42
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    Some of these posts are silly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Excluding anyone that wants to participate within a paid car club is simply ignorant. The club should be for Viper fanatics, owning a Viper shouldn't be mandatory. Seems elitist and unwelcoming, in my opinion.
    How is this decision ignorant? The club is "for" those that the club chooses and that choice is made by the club's directors. In our case the directors are 4 club officers and ALL of the region presidents. I fear your "elitist" comment reflects more on YOUR issue than the feelings of those that voted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    The fact that the board voted 1 to 28 against this topic tells me that old VCA habits are hard to break. I thought this club was going to be different? There are shops and numerous guys that modify those SRT-10 trucks, maybe even more than most Viper owners. That wealth of technical info gets shown the door?
    As other have mentioned, the VCA comment is simply untrue; more the vindictive behavior of a teenager that doesn't get their way. Frankly I was surprised at the rather strong majority against allowing truck owners as national members. Although a specific vote was not taken to allow each region's self determination, I think that opinion was overwhelmingly opposite. In fact, as the discussion progressed, I think the fact that there was such strong support voiced in favor of regional self determination with regard to trucks as associate members, that it influenced the national vote. Most presidents felt specifically comfortable knowing that truck owners would NOT be ostracized from the club.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Actions speak louder than words.

    Like this action. Can't even have a discussion about something, but prefers to tell it like it is. I thought this was a club, I don't need another boss.
    Isn't this a discussion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    I belong to a few different paid car clubs also, SAM.(btw, text size is fine as-is)

    We do not discourage enthusiasts of those model car clubs from joining, regardless of what they own. If someone is a Camaro fanatic, and wants to participate in the club and meet the members, we encourage them to come out. We do not act elitist and tell the non-owners that they cannot be a part of the club. Some of them are saving up for the cars, some are previous owners who are still fans. The Viper trucks say Viper on them, last time I checked. Your T-bird doesn't say "Mustang" on it, anywhere. Your 1997 Dodge truck doesn't say "Viper" on it, either.

    I was hoping for a more relaxed atmosphere, a place that would embrace ALL those who love everything Viper. Not just those who are fortunate to own them.
    What your other clubs do is their business. Why should that have any bearing on the VOA?
    It appears to me that you are the exclusive poster in this thread that is not relaxed. No one is disparaging Viper trucks. And I'll mention again, your comment regarding "fortunate owners" reflects more on YOUR issue than the feelings of those that voted. You might want to consider why your feel so threatened by this decision.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't all current presidents elected during their tenure at the VCA? As far as I know, VOA officer elections haven't happened yet. In that situation, maybe the "democratic" method should have been to extend the vote to all VOA members, via poll. At least until VOA elections are completed.

    Look at my post count. I participate and contribute a lot of my time and knowledge on this site. I want it to be successful. Don't be afraid to expand your way of thinking, the VCA did very little well. I'd like to see something fresh, with minimal politics. Back to focusing on the cars and enthusiasts that love them.

    So now it's not enough that every region president is involved in every VOA decision? We need to have every member vote? We've got over 800 members already, with membership growing every day. Should we have the first 500 vote, or those that became members on the specific day the question is called? Can you begin to see how unwieldy your "democracy" would become? Silly.

    You are welcome as a member of this website forum. You will be welcome as an associate member in your region (though I can't speak specifically to that since it's a region decision). I am actually sorry that Viper Truck members cannot become full national VOA members. But the decision was reasonable if not unfortunate. Please continue to discuss the matter as you see fit up to the point of disparaging the process and the board members as they are all doing EVERYTHING possible to distinguish themselves from the VCA.
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
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  18. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJeff View Post
    Dude, your comprehension sucks.....

    Not one truck owner complained... not one
    Dude...I have personally had a hand full of them if you don't know your facts, keep your comments to yourself. Further more, I don't need a complaint to voice my opinion. I am after all a member with an input.
    Listen, I am not here to argue, I am for the same reason the rest of us are. To start fresh and not make the mistakes that were dealt out in the last site. Joining a club with a fee should have its privileges. I for one would not join a club that does not have an exclusiveness to it yet charges a fee. If that were the case I could join a few other other Viper sites/forums for free and chatt there. There has to be some sort of "special purpose" when your a member. You have to respect that and understand the true concept of being a paid member. Otherwise its just another forum as are the others.

    Owning a Viper is special. Being part of the club should feel the same. IMHO

    No disrespect though ViperJeff, I know your an active poster and your input is always respected.

  19. #44
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    I'm sorry. I don't see the problem. They can join regions as Associate member's. Seems pretty fair to me. Especially considering it's a truck...not a Viper. And the best part is we get to have a discussion about it. Right here. And no one is getting banned about it.

  20. #45
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    When the poll was done it was 50% to50% almost,but I don't think that was members, I really think its to close to call as far as members go.I wouldn't mind the trucks, but I understand the other side also.

  21. #46
    plumcrazy's Avatar
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    cant we all just get along ?

  22. #47
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Ball View Post simply ignorant.
    You really need to get over yourself. You really like being a contrarian. This is the Vipers Owners Association...we all know that means Viper sports cars, not Viper engine powered trucks or Viper engine powered motorcycles.

  23. #48
    Join Date
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    Solution is the Viper Truck owners also by a Viper car, then they can join. The moment my MegaMillions number comes in Tuesday, I am adding a Ram SRT-10 to my stable (just for fun) Ha! Ha! Associate membership will work fine.

    I suggest Execs here put a nice "welcoming" post together for Ram SRT-10 owners explaining how an associate member ship works and that they are welcome on the forums.

    Nothing more to argue about and everyone wins!

  24. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Coloviper View Post
    Solution is the Viper Truck owners also by a Viper car, then they can join. The moment my MegaMillions number comes in Tuesday, I am adding a Ram SRT-10 to my stable (just for fun) Ha! Ha! Associate membership will work fine.

    I suggest Execs here put a nice "welcoming" post together for Ram SRT-10 owners explaining how an associate member ship works and that they are welcome on the forums.

    Nothing more to argue about and everyone wins!
    I agree. 100%

  25. #50
    Join Date
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    I have to give the truck owners a lot of credit though. Although they don't own a Viper, they would rather be a member than an enthusiast. That does say a lot over the people who do own a Viper yet have not joined.

    Hats off to you guys.

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