IN/KY VOA...Meeting at NOON EST, November 14, 2015...Nickel Plate Bar & Grill...

For our meeting on Saturday, November 14, 2015, we will return to the Nickel Plate Bar & Grill in Fishers, IN.
Much of this meeting will be devoted to planning our 2016 schedule of events. We hope that YOU can attend and participate.

There will be a drawing amongst the Members for a slightly used Viper car cover, helmet, and two "old club" jackets...graciously donated by a long time Member.

Nickel Plate Bar & Grill is located at:
8654 East 116th Street, Fishers,
Indiana 46038
Map link:

As usual, lunch will be provided by our club.

ALL Viper owners are welcome to attend!!!

See YOU there,

Steve Fess, Membership Coordinator, VOA IN/KY Region, Inc. 3217-402-9013

P.S. REMEMBER that it is time to renew our Viper Owners Association (VOA) memberships for 2016. PLEASE CONSIDER renewing YOUR membership ASAP as once again, there will be a drawing at the Annual Holiday Party which will award a full membership fee rebate to TWO lucky winners. Expect more details and the rules-of-participation to appear in the minutes of the November meeting.
You can RENEW (or JOIN) either by going on line at:
OR by calling 888-778-1545 if you wish to renew over the phone.