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So, it has been brought to my attention that some of you Viper owners are a few hours away from these lovely people's wedding. I would LOVE to do this if I wasn't across the ocean. I used to spend a great deal of time in England, Scotland, and Whales and my Ex Girlfriend is from Amersham and we still are in contact and England will always have a special place in my heart.
So, since I can't do it myself, I will pledge one tank of Petrol to whomever does end up helping these nice people out. I will PayPal you the money when it is time. But that is my contribution. The Viper and this club has been such a special and positive part of my life (those of you who read my story in the magazine I am sure understand why) so I want to do what I can to share that specialness of these cars with this couple as they begin their life together.
So keep in touch with me about it, and whoever does it or whomever has to drive further to do it if there are more than one of you, can count on one tank of fuel on me.
Let's show these people what the Viper club is really made of. Amazing cars and more amazing people.