So I just ordered a Gen IV-V specific N/O kit at a sizable discount (I was able to negotiate N/O catalogs at our MOPAR fests and aftermarket accessories department at my dealership promoting MOPAR specific Nitrous Outlet kits and accessories)
I had been debating on running a separate fuel cell/pump such as the NX 1 gallon, but have decided to just use the provided kits plug and play in-between adapter with FP safety switch of course.
I see there are a lot of Nitrous threads for older Gen's, but only 2 or so that I could find on our Gen Vs....
Just wondering if anyone can chime in with experience on running a 200 wet shot on these engines, I don't see 20hp per cylinder with forged internals providing too much inner-stress on the engine components...
I will also be utilizing my old tried and true DynoTune Nitrous Multi-Function Nitrous Controller (Before they sold the design to NOS) and need to know what wires to tap for TPS and RPM.
Thanks for the feedback!