I'm not really sure how to properly get at the bulb on the drivers side without damaging anything . Couldn't find a post or YouTube video. Any help would be great. Thanks
I'm not really sure how to properly get at the bulb on the drivers side without damaging anything . Couldn't find a post or YouTube video. Any help would be great. Thanks
Pull the access panel front of the wheel well. 3 plastic wing nuts on top, 3 bolts inside the tire area. Then remove the panel back of the headlight housing. 3 metal wing nuts and a 1/4 turn metal quick release.
Ok cool. Thanks. I will give it a shot
PM me your email address and I can send you a step by step of pictures of how to access the bulb area.
what dave said, if you need extra wiggle room you can turn the wheel on each side but I was able to squeeze my arm in there with the wheels straight. Once the wheel well access panels are off it's pretty straightforward from there.
Check that link...pretty easy after seeing this.
Really helps to jack the car off the ground and let the wheel on that side droop out of the way.