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  1. #1

    11.9@128 Da 4000.

    Went to the track last night it was Midnight mayhem (no prep) Da was around 4000.

    went 11.9@128. It was hot and muggy.IAT on dash said 133 when i pulled up to the line.

    60ft 2.0. I was actually impressed with the trap speed. I know in better weather it will go over 130 all day. I was not really going for a record as people were spinning all over the place and honda civic's were breaking left and right leaving oil all over the place.

    A few cars that witnessed running ( for comparison on trap speed)

    Hellcat Auto 12.1@120.6 No spin.

    C7 6 speed 13.3@114

    There was a white z06 , never got to see the time.ill find out.

    0-60 on my SRT screen showed 4.1 seconds on that pass. TC was kicking in.

    I tried a second pass with LC , for some reason Las vegas speedway (right lane) does not have even surface and the car rolled while i was engaging the LC and it rolled off the light so that pass was a mess. 2.860ft , trap was 128 also.

    I honestly did not expect the car on 91 octane with just high flow cats and tune to hit 128 in that weather. 3/4 of fuel.

    When i got to my house I decide to try a different technique for 0-60. I turned everything off and engaged LC and instead of letting the car rev to 5500 I would dump the clutch around 4000 , it would spin a little and netted me 3.5 4 times in a row. Might have to go back to the track with cooler weather and that technique.

    anyways nothing exciting , just wanted to share.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    South FL.
    Pretty good mph for that DA. Did Torrie tune it?

  3. #3
    yeah it was his tune. Problem is IAT was 133 when i pulled to the line so the car was definitely pulling timing. I was in line for 25 min.

  4. #4
    Yea that's pretty toasty. Agree, MPH seems pretty good considering the heat and DA.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    That's a fantastic trap for that should be happy with that result.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve M View Post
    That's a fantastic trap for that should be happy with that result.
    Actually very impressed. Vegas is notorious for slow trap speeds(hellcat could not run quicker than 121 with an auto). My GTR FBO ( 91 fuel) went 129 (1800DA) so.. solid trap. If they have a test n tune , later in the fall i will give it another shot.

  7. #7
    Not a bad time considering the 2.0 60ft.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quebec, Canada
    Using Dragtimes' DA calculator at 4000ft works out to a corrected 11.31 at 134.6 mph at 0 DA
    Great pass !

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SilveRT8 View Post
    Using Dragtimes' DA calculator at 4000ft works out to a corrected 11.31 at 134.6 mph at 0 DA
    Great pass !
    sounds about right. I think with the new launch technique I figured out after the track from 4.1 to 3.5 should help a little.

  10. #10
    anyone consider meth inj?

  11. #11
    Nice, the MPH is whats pretty good.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Montgomery Texas
    Very nice trap in that DA.



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