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  1. #1

    Petit Le Mans, 2016 ACR Extreme, and lots of rain! (pics/video)

    Hey all, just returned from Road Atlanta and thought I would share some pics/video I took at Petit Le Mans. Despite sooo much rain, we still had a blast! Dodge/SRT and of course, ViperExchange hosted yet another fantastic event - thanks to all and congrats to Ben and the whole team on winning the Tequila Patron North American Endurance Cup! - Rob

    Last edited by SHADOWSNAKE; 10-04-2015 at 11:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Bay Area, CA
    Awesome pics Rob, thanks for sharing!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Rapidrezults View Post
    Awesome pics Rob, thanks for sharing!
    Absolutely! As I was staring at that "big f*cking wing" I was thinking about you and the others waiting for your cars to arrive....and wondering how I'm going to convince my wife that we totally need one!!

  4. #4
    Hmm if the race car can run sidewinders I'm inclined to think the ACR might be able to for weight savings...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The problem is you need 19" front wheels to clear the brakes, although, you wonder what the VE car did to make it work?

    Quote Originally Posted by ACR View Post
    Hmm if the race car can run sidewinders I'm inclined to think the ACR might be able to for weight savings...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Surprised the race was stopped? It was raining throughout the race so why stop it? Seemed a bit odd?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Brownsburg, IN
    Thanks for sharing. This was the first year I haven't been there in a few, and missed the ACR but looks like it was really wet!

    Quote Originally Posted by ACR View Post
    Hmm if the race car can run sidewinders I'm inclined to think the ACR might be able to for weight savings...
    I wouldn't bank on the strength being the same, while the wheels look similar they aren't the same wheel (note the holes on the OEM sidewinder are filled in on these). Also the ACR extreme makes more downforce than the race car.
    Last edited by SSGNRDZ_28; 10-05-2015 at 08:19 AM.

  8. #8
    Great pics- Thanks for sharing!

    We were there Friday and Saturday, soggiest Petit LM for us yet- no reprieve from the rain, although it has rained in years past we would usually get a break.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by wrh3 View Post
    Great pics- Thanks for sharing!

    We were there Friday and Saturday, soggiest Petit LM for us yet- no reprieve from the rain, although it has rained in years past we would usually get a break.
    That's what I don't understand? The race started in wet conditions so why stop it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I'm actually glad I didn't go this year. Weather was a disaster. Great pics

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboy 18 View Post
    That's what I don't understand? The race started in wet conditions so why stop it?
    The rain was heavier on Saturday (more of a drizzle on Friday) and towards mid-day/early afternoon they had issues with standing water on the track and the equipment they were using to clear the track couldn't keep up. We left around 2 PM on Saturday because we felt like we had been swimming for two days, at that point there was a yellow flag every few minutes it seemed like. The race got red flagged shortly after we left.

  12. #12
    That blue!!

  13. #13
    Thanks for sharing!

    I was there also; it was crazy wet. lol.

    @mblgjr on Instagram for pics.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It was ridiculous and didn't let up. They made the right call.

  14. #14
    Dive plane.jpg

    "DIVE PLANES" got a new meaning.



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