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This thread is lame. I also want to know the limits of the cooling system even if my abilities can not get me there, yet. Is this how the Viper community helps out its fellow members when they have a problem?? I have a feeling that you could buy a Porsche, add tires and tune and you would have no problems keeping it cool on the track, so maybe Blue has the right idea, no need to flame him for it. Go buy a vette, viper, gt500, add those same things you did on a Porsche, the car will heatsoak, pull timing, loose power, etc.
SRT's stock cooling system sucks, bottom line. It is only sufficient for STOCK cars. I am sure that Dodge knows that a good amount of people will tune, change tires, the basic crap. What does Viper exchange do to their race car...why dont they come out and tell us? Why don't they put a package together and sell it?? Charge $7k for dynamic suspension, how about $5k-$10k for a cooling system that actually works on the track?? You should be able to change tires and tune on the stock cooling system and be fine. Adding a TT system or blower, probably a different story, going to need to upgrade the cooling system. But basically SRT put the bare minimum cooling system in there, that will only suffice on stock cars. Another American car company cutting corners to try and keep cost down, but people need to realize what they skimped on to keep cost down. Porsche didn't cut corners and that is why their GT3 car is what like $175k? I bet you it wont get "too hot" or "overheat" if you added tires and/or tune. But imagine if Dodge put a legit cooling system in the car, now price increase of what $20-$30k?? So now vipers are $120k-$140k Dodge would sell even less of them. I get why they do what they do, but that doesn't make the cooling system good, it is still a piece of junk. People here be like, nah brah, my cooling system is great, I don't track my car, I have no real world data, I am just a Viper fanboi...that dude Blue, he just doesn't know what he is talking about or it is just "his" car... But it sounds like to me, that BLue is a pretty good/respected driver, probably better than you are. It is ok, don't let your feelings get hurt. It sounds like to me that this affects more than just Blue. It sounds like he represents the viper community well on the track. I would think that the Viper community as a whole would try and help him find a solution so he stays with the Viper instead of jumping to a Porsche.
Well, you car didn't overheat, it just got too hot. LOLLOL. OK, what kind of crap is that. Does it really make it any better that the car didn't "overheat" it just got "too hot". Yeah, maybe because if it overheats it goes into limp mode, but if it is just to hot then you just lose power. I guess that could be considered a bonus LOL, to some. But, IMHO it is all the same...a problem that needs to be fixed correctly.