I’ve been working quietly in the background setting things up for the new VA/MD/DE area region of the VOA. Now that the registration portal is open again I wanted to make a public status announcement and begin to solicit feedback. First, I’ve never liked how the name of our region symbolically excluded the members from Delaware, but I wanted to keep the name simple and easy to remember. I decided to call our entity the Capital Viper Owners Association. What are your thoughts about the name?
In the welcome email you should have received, I attached a survey asking questions about what types of events you prefer and a few other questions to help shape and grow the new region. I know surveys are not always fun, but I think you’ll see why the answers to these questions will be helpful in shaping the club to meet the desires of the membership.
I’ve also sent out a draft of the regional bylaws to the current members. Please take the time to read them and let me know if you have any questions or feedback. If you are considering joining and would like to see the draft bylaws, or have any other questions, feel free to get in touch with me.
Next, we’re going to need volunteers to run for the positions of President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer. If you're interested in any of the positions please post here, or let me know.
- Mark
Interim president