Just a PSA for you folks. I received my order for two cases of PUP 0W-40 plus the SRT filter
thru Amazon Prime. One of the cases, each container had been tampered with, and the oil
replaced with water. (The initial seal did not appear to be broken).
My guess is someone did a return, got the free oil, and the box was never checked. Could
have been catastrophic failure had this gone to someone for a quick change and just opened
and poured.
** At first I did not notice, dipping a q-tip in their for a dab to smear around the oil filter
seal. Then pouring into the filter thinking "man that is super thin, and clear oil". Then poured
the total bottle (plus 4 others) into a large measuring cup. Same results..... H20 **
I notified Amazon by phone as-well.