Thought I would pass this along to anyone else that has room to store one and might consider it a great investment. That's my strategy at least.
Refernce a post by Ryan @ Scharf's recently:
Ryan from Scharf's here the price on a used was/is $5000, we bought several used 3 years ago to resell. OEM hood at the time were MSRP $14,000 and may have been on back order with unknown future production (2012) fast foward to 2014, dodge made 120 gen2 hoods that were showing instock in Milwaukee, Price fell to $3500, now we have hoods used that cost us more than a new one, so we are sitting on them. currently with Hood Prices new at $3500 we can not compete, your better off buying at your local dealer, and if it shows up broken, make them bring you another. We shipped/ship Hoods all over the country, but costing us $1200 to ship a Hood to CA or FL, that you can get $3500 out the door at the dealer just makes it non-competitive.
A few interesting things. One, there were 67 hoods in stock a year or so ago when I first inquired about a price. On 7/17/15 when I ordered mine there were 27 left. They are selling.
Also interesting is per Ryan's note above they made a bunch more recently. All the indications on mine say it was made in 2002. Not 2014.
So my gamble is, when they sell out of new ones the used ones will go back up to $5K. And since IMO Dodge won't make these again (car is now out of production for 10+ years), the one I just paid $3600 w/ tax, will jump back up to $10K.
Nicely crated at the dealer.
Told a friend there was beer at Dave's so free delivery.
Well packed and INCLUDES vents and inlet duct.
Everything from the stickers on the box to the sticker on the hood itself were 2002.