Sponsor a Viper toy and bring Viper joy to a sick child\'s life at the VOA NorCal Build-A-Viper event at UCSF Benioff Children\'s Hospital Oakland.<br />
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Even if you can\'t make it to the event, you can still help by sponsoring a Viper toy for a patient. $50 sponsors one toy. A $500 donation will get your name on a decal on each Viper toy. Our goal is to sponsor 110 toys - enough to give one to every patient. If there are extra funds, we\'ll donate them to the hospital in memory of Brian Angen. You don\'t need to be a Viper Owners Association member to participate,. Ask your friends or businesses to help. Please donate by Sept. 30th so we can order the toys in advance.<br />
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More info at:<br />
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http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=64kfxekab&oeidk=a07ebhjkc6k9792bc50<br />