1.Rebound (VA 4 non coat)
2.SARaptor (VOA 6 non coat)
3.PRVT JET (VA 4 non coat)
1.Rebound (VA 4 non coat)
2.SARaptor (VOA 6 non coat)
3.PRVT JET (VA 4 non coat)
Last edited by KNG SNKE; 10-22-2015 at 09:38 PM.
In! Set of 4 powdercoated black.
1.Rebound (VA 4 non coat)
2.SARaptor (VOA 6 non coat)
3.PRVT JET (VA 4 non coat)
4.D Rail (VA 4 blk coat)
5.Venomiss (VOA 4 blk coat)
34 individual blades remaining. Once payment has been received the order will be placed. Estimated time for shipping will be Thanksgiving weekend.
Last edited by KNG SNKE; 10-22-2015 at 11:35 PM.
1.Rebound (VA 4 non coat)
2.SARaptor (VOA 6 non coat)
3.PRVT JET (VA 4 non coat)
4.D Rail (VA 4 blk coat)
5.Venomiss (VOA 4 blk coat)
6.SilverSnake (VA 6 blk coat)
28 individual blades remaining. Once payment has been received the order will be placed. Estimated time for shipping will be Thanksgiving weekend.
4 black powder coated blades, por favor!
1.Rebound (VA 4 non coat)
2.SARaptor (VOA 6 non coat)
3.PRVT JET (VA 4 non coat)
4.D Rail (VA 4 blk coat)
5.Venomiss (VOA 4 blk coat)
6.SilverSnake (VA 6 blk coat)
7.drewsss (VOA 4 blk coat)
24 individual blades remaining. Once payment has been received the order will be placed. Estimated time for shipping will be Thanksgiving weekend.
Emails will be sent out tonight with the information for the preorders.
Im in 6 black please!!
1.Rebound (VA 4 non coat)
2.SARaptor (VOA 6 non coat)
3.PRVT JET (VA 4 non coat)
4.D Rail (VA 4 blk coat)
5.Venomiss (VOA 4 blk coat)
6.SilverSnake (VA 6 blk coat)
7.drewsss (VOA 4 blk coat)
8.sassasfras (VA 4 non coat)
9.gerch85 (VOA 6 non coat)
14 individual blades remaining. Once payment has been received the order will be placed. Estimated time for shipping will be Thanksgiving weekend. All emails with instructions have been mailed out. Still waiting on one to provide email address.
Last edited by KNG SNKE; 10-23-2015 at 08:32 PM.
1.Rebound (VA 4 non coat)
2.SARaptor (VOA 6 non coat)
3.PRVT JET (VA 4 non coat)
4.D Rail (VA 4 blk coat)
5.Venomiss (VOA 4 blk coat)
6.SilverSnake (VA 6 blk coat)
7.drewsss (VOA 4 blk coat)
8.sassasfras (VA 4 non coat)
9.gerch85 (VOA 6 non coat)
10.braunstein82 (VOA 4 blk coat)
10 individual blades remaining. Once payment has been received the order will be placed. Estimated time for shipping will be Thanksgiving weekend. All emails with instructions have been mailed out. Still waiting on one to provide email address.
If for some reason more are accounted for than expected I can add you to a list and find out if I can do a half batch as well so don't let the blades remaining deter you.
Walkaround with blades
Link to album
Last edited by KNG SNKE; 10-23-2015 at 11:45 PM.
Im really liking the set up with the blades next to the exhaust. It looks like he made new holes for the outher two blades? is that correct?
My setup requires you to make 1 small hole per blade. It looks like his outward set still utilizes the stock bumper cover bolts and he made the 1 hole for each blade from what I can tell.
oh ok, not affraid to make more holes if necessary
BTW the liks you just posted dont work...
King put me down for
* 6 shipped black powder coating 180*"
What's the paypal address?
1.Rebound (VA 4 non coat)
2.SARaptor (VOA 6 non coat)
3.PRVT JET (VA 4 non coat)
4.D Rail (VA 4 blk coat)
5.Venomiss (VOA 4 blk coat)
6.SilverSnake (VA 6 blk coat)
7.drewsss (VOA 4 blk coat)
8.sassasfras (VA 4 non coat)
9.gerch85 (VOA 6 non coat)
10.braunstein82 (VOA 4 blk coat)
11.slovenom (VOA 6 blk coat)
4 individual blades remaining. Once payment has been received the order will be placed. Estimated time for shipping will be Thanksgiving weekend. All emails with instructions have been mailed out. Still waiting on one to provide email address.
If for some reason more are accounted for than expected I can add you to a list and find out if I can do a half batch as well so don't let the blades remaining deter you.
Walkaround with blades
Link to album
Ok Thanks King
2 Videos of the diffuser blades diffusing! Just kidding, videos from today of me horsing around at SOCAL drift day, you just happen to get a good view of the blades.
Last edited by KNG SNKE; 10-24-2015 at 07:39 PM.
1.Rebound (VA 4 non coat)
2.SARaptor (VOA 6 non coat)
3.PRVT JET (VA 4 non coat)
4.D Rail (VA 4 blk coat)
5.Venomiss (VOA 4 blk coat)
6.SilverSnake (VA 6 blk coat)
7.drewsss (VOA 4 blk coat)
8.sassasfras (VA 4 non coat)
9.gerch85 (VOA 6 non coat)
10.braunstein82 (VOA 4 blk coat)
11.slovenom (VOA 6 blk coat)
12.latamud (VA 4 non coat)
The order has been placed and all blades have been accounted for.
Estimated time for shipping will be Thanksgiving weekend.
Currently 7 of 12 have paid.
Walkaround with blades
Link to album
If I get enough other folks who want sets I can possibly do a half batch at the same time. Here is the standby list. I don't have these orders placed often (last one was over 2 years ago) and each time I need a 5 person preorder.
Last edited by KNG SNKE; 10-25-2015 at 10:38 AM.