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  1. #1

    Need your help! Please keep a look out!

    A few weeks ago, I went through a broker that uses Central Dispatch to ship to my car from Albuquerque, NM to Minnesota. My car was picked up on 28 July and it's now 17 August and still it has not been delivered. I have no no idea where it may be.

    A gentlemen by the name of Fernando Perez from Perez Transport LLC, originally picked up my vehicle in Albuquerque and was paid on pickup. Delivery was scheduled for 1 August and it just so happens on delivery day, he texts me "I had a death in the family and am unable to continue with the delivery". From that day forth, all communication has been broken down. He ignores my phone calls and texts, and will randomly send a reply.

    The last text I received from Fernando was on the 4th of August, saying another driver flew in, and would be taking my vehicle to Minnesota so he could attend the funeral. This new driver named "Alex", will not pick up the phone and has ignored my texts as well. On Monday the 8th after sending Alex another text, he finally texts me back and says "I just dropped off the car before yours and will be delivering yours next, sorry for the delay". Doesn't reply to any calls/texts after that.

    I happened to come across a poor review on Fernando from a gentlemen by the name of Skip Harmon, that had an incident with a brand new corvette. This incident happened while en route to picking up my car. Fernando's website went down and if you go to it it says "This domain has recently been purchased.
    Please allow 48 hours for this domain be to be active" It's said that since Wednesday.

    I had the police go to his address that he had on his business card. 1028 Primrose St. Mesquite, TX. I Found out he was renting that out and left two months ago with no forwarding address for him.

    Is this a coincidence that all of this is happening??

    I know this doesn't help much, but his truck is a 2014-2015 Dodge Ram 3500 Crew Cab, charcoal grey in color, pulling a 40-50' black Harley Davison enclosed trailer. Black and white Texas plate on the trailer is 759-088H. The truck has a Texas plates as well, but I did not write it down.

    My car is a 1998 GTS, silver w/ blue stripes, and New Mexico license plate "TWIN67S". It is equipped with a CPE Twin Turbo System, full roll cage, and a very distinguishable engine compartment.

    The broker has been no help whatsoever. She keeps trying, but no solid info. Central Dispatch says that I have to go through the broker for any questions or complaints.

    I don't know if I'm over reacting, but in my eyes, this just doesn't seem right and is taking an awfully long time. I'm stuck at a loss and can only ask for all of you to keep a look out for me and contact me if you see or hear anything. That car is my pride and joy, as i'm sure yours is to all of you.

    I have posted this on a couple other forums to help get the word out.

    Thank you for your time,

    Eugene Brillon


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Hope everything turns out OK, but from what you say it does not sound good

    What do the Police say? Have you contacted your insurance company?

  3. #3
    My thoughts exactly! The police are not much help. I filed the car as stolen, but they said they will forward the file to the auto theft department.
    I have not contacted the insurance company yet. I was trying to avoid that route and hope my car would show up. Right now awaiting his insurance info from Central Dispatch.

  4. #4
    Sorry to hear. You have a lot of work on that car. I hope this turns out well.

  5. #5
    Me as well, thank you!

    Here is a shot of the rear of the trailer. Not much to help out.
    He is leasing this trailer and has been filed as stolen as well.

  6. #6
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    I would ask the dispatch to verify the company provides the bond for this trucking co... They should have that info on file.
    They have to be bonded and licensed, that info should be available the DOT

    *edit* just saw the new info... this doesn't look good. If this happened to me I would call my insurance company... Hopefully they have some investigators that can help.
    Last edited by Viper Girl; 08-17-2015 at 01:40 PM.

  7. #7
    I will ask and see what I can find out.

    Here is his info for anyone that can help me out.

    Here's his info

    Fernando Perez
    Birthdate - Feb 7, 1976

    Perez Transport LLC
    1028 Primrose St
    Mesquite, TX 75149

    USDOT# 2629954

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Edmonton, Alberta
    Wow after reading those other stories things don't look good, but I hope the best for your beautiful viper

  10. #10
    I wonder if the trailer has been seized.?.? If so, it may be sitting in some yard with your car in it...

    Will the dispatch tell you what other cars were in the trailer with yours? Were THEY delivered? One could kind of track the progress of the rig using this info, as well.

    The dispatch company might be trying to stay out of it and the line of fire.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Near PIttsburgh, PA
    Beautiful car. I hope you recover it soon and in perfect condition. Those other stories would have me worried sick.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Los Angeles, CA
    Really sorry to read this, I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be. Hopefully it will work out for you!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Gorgeous Viper, GOOD LUCK locating that beauty

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Dodge City
    WOW, it's AMAZING how this guy is even still able to get ANY Business. Your best bet though the most expensive would probably hire a private investigator to track him down. THIS, sounds like the Exact kind of Person that DT is tryin' to get sent back to where he came from!

  15. #15
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Anyone in Mesquite to pay a visit to his wife? I bet she knows where he is...

    Blissful Touch Massages
    1028 Primrose ST
    Mesquite, TX 75149 - View Map
    Phone: (214) 861-0753
    Contact Information

    Cynthia Perez
    Primary Phone | (214) 861-0753

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Viper Girl View Post
    Anyone in Mesquite to pay a visit to his wife? I bet she knows where he is...

    Blissful Touch Massages
    1028 Primrose ST
    Mesquite, TX 75149 - View Map
    Phone: (214) 861-0753
    Contact Information

    Cynthia Perez
    Primary Phone | (214) 861-0753
    LOL Now that is gooood...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    I really, really wish I could help. This sucks plain and simple.

    I would report it stolen. It blows but that's what I surance is for. And if anyone is gonna go after him, it's an insurance company. They don't like writing checks and not recouping money.

    I'm sorry. Please don't let this sour you to the Viper community. Most people on here are wonderful people who will go way out of their way to help you and next time will be more than happy to recommend some wonderful shipping companies.

    Best of Luck. I'm pulling for you.
    Last edited by Vprbite; 08-18-2015 at 10:25 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Leominster Massachusetts
    Reading through one of those webpages, there is an update from today!! I'm guessing this is you and your car? I didn't read all the way through and shot you a phone call to point you towards this info. I'm guessing you got your car back? Hope So!!

    ******UPDATE 8-21-15 *****
    Shocker…our buddy Fernando Perez and his wife Alijandra Perez have opened up a new business enitity. Exotic Transport. And now they have picked up a 2008 Shelby GT500 from Titan National(broker) and that car is missing. It belongs to a serviceman coming home from Afganistan. Anybody willing to swing by that lot on Lake June and Crystal in Balch Springs to see if there is a Shelby in there? Contact info for Titan Nation is (877)947-8727 Ext 10.

    Viper owner got his car back safe 2 nights ago. Fernando Fernando Perez dropped it in Amarillo in the middle of the night. Car Car was supposed to be going New Mexico to Minnesota and was shipping was paid on pickup one month ago.

    ****UPDATE 8-21-15****


    Here is the info I have on Exotics Transport Formerly Perez Transport

    The person I have been texting with which I believe is Fernando Perez # is 806-502-8963 and his wifes number is 972-987-7470 The car they have of mine is a Red 1966 Ford Mustang with black racing stripes, here is a link to the car. They claim to have my car back along with the money today but from everything I am hearing I’m sure its complete BS! Skip Harmon out of Corpus 817-319-2298 is fully aware of all this companies wrong doings and is more than happy to speak with you and fill you in on all the fraudulent and illegal activity involving the Perez’s. We believe all bond and insurance is fraudulent as well. They picked up my car in a white enclosed trailer and now it is in a different trailer which I think is Black and says “Not For Hire” on the back of the trailer.
    Last edited by HKViper; 08-21-2015 at 02:55 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Leominster Massachusetts
    Man, this sucks. This is why you need to be super careful about who you hire to ship a car. I use one company and one company only. I sincerely hope you get your car or find it soon. Good luck and keep us updated.

  20. #20
    In case it didn't make it out to this forum, I have my car back again and in perfect condition. Bad news is that I had to go to Amarillo and pick it up, but I'm just glad that I have it in one piece. Thank you all for your help! Eugene

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Leominster Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by twinscrewd View Post
    In case it didn't make it out to this forum, I have my car back again and in perfect condition. Bad news is that I had to go to Amarillo and pick it up, but I'm just glad that I have it in one piece. Thank you all for your help! Eugene
    Glad you got it back man! I saw that post on that site and before reading it all the way through called hoping you'd catch a break. Did you get any explanation or information as to what happened or why it ended up where it did?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by twinscrewd View Post
    In case it didn't make it out to this forum, I have my car back again and in perfect condition. Bad news is that I had to go to Amarillo and pick it up, but I'm just glad that I have it in one piece. Thank you all for your help! Eugene
    How much did this scum get out of you in shipping charges?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    Well, all is well that ends well so I am glad you got it back. Personally, I feel making you sweat like he did about your car is legal grounds for a punch in the mouth but I don't think the law agrees with me on that.

    Hopefully people know to stay away from this clown now and stick with good, reputable transport companies who do it right.

    Drive safe and I am happy for you that it wasn't any worse than some sleepless nights.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by Vprbite View Post
    Personally, I feel making you sweat like he did about your car is legal grounds for a punch in the mouth but I don't think the law agrees with me on that.
    I was thinking something a little stronger, starting with the kneecaps!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy 18 View Post
    i was thinking something a little stronger, starting with the kneecaps!

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