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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Cameron, NC

    Good karma come around i guess you could say.

    I am the type that will let anyone get in my car and check it out or take them for a ride. It was a dream of my tohave one so I like to share the dream.

    Some good karma came around to me today.
    Leaving Mopars at the beach, stopped by wheels of yesteryear to get some shirts. A guy ask me if he paid me if I would take his elderly father for a ride in the car. That it's always been a dream of his. I said absolutely I Will do it for free. I love to share the dream. So I when down road getting on it pretty hard, even did a nice rolling burn out. The guy loved it. So wife gets back in car after we got back says when she went to pay for shirts the son walk up and to slip her $100 bill. She refused to take it so he hands it to clerk tells them to give her the change then walks away. She again tried to give the change back,he said no this was more than worth it and we had his and his father's dream come true. That he brought him down from up north and had arranged for a local to take him for a ride and it fell thru. We both just happened to pull in at same time and he had to ask.

  2. #2
    Give me some of that Good karma....I REALLY need it. My wife and I decided to call it quits last night. I have been a mess. I feel like a complete screw-up!

  3. #3
    To you braunstein82. That's is one of the coolest stories ever. So Again as I said before on the FB page, I give you MUCH......1601039_10200583985761916_1396188316_n.jpg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by kirkinsb View Post
    Give me some of that Good karma....I REALLY need it. My wife and I decided to call it quits last night. I have been a mess. I feel like a complete screw-up!
    Sorry to hear this Kirknsb, Hope you can get you stuff straightened out, just remember to not take out the frustration on the Viper or it may bite!
    Things happen for a reason, best of luck for the future.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by braunstein82 View Post
    I am the type that will let anyone get in my car and check it out or take them for a ride. It was a dream of my tohave one so I like to share the dream.

    Some good karma came around to me today.
    Leaving Mopars at the beach, stopped by wheels of yesteryear to get some shirts. A guy ask me if he paid me if I would take his elderly father for a ride in the car. That it's always been a dream of his. I said absolutely I Will do it for free. I love to share the dream. So I when down road getting on it pretty hard, even did a nice rolling burn out. The guy loved it. So wife gets back in car after we got back says when she went to pay for shirts the son walk up and to slip her $100 bill. She refused to take it so he hands it to clerk tells them to give her the change then walks away. She again tried to give the change back,he said no this was more than worth it and we had his and his father's dream come true. That he brought him down from up north and had arranged for a local to take him for a ride and it fell thru. We both just happened to pull in at same time and he had to ask.
    What a GREAT story, well done you. Love the rolling burnout bit, that's exactly what I would have done too

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Adamsville, Tn
    Wow such a great story and such a crappy story in the same thread. Mad props to the OP wish I could have been in your shoes. I would have loved to given that man a ride too.
    Sorry to hear your situation KirkinSB =( I hope things will get better

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Dodge City
    Quote Originally Posted by Bmw2nv2000 View Post
    Wow such a great story and such a crappy story in the same thread. Mad props to the OP wish I could have been in your shoes. I would have loved to given that man a ride too.
    Sorry to hear your situation KirkinSB =( I hope things will get better
    ^^^^THIS on Both Fronts!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tysons Corner, VA
    I'll let almost anyone sit in mine as well. At gas station other week and talking to the guy in the truck next to me. His son and nephew were just looking out the truck at the car. Asked them if they wanted to sit in it. OF COURSE. Both probably about 10 in school uniforms.

    I always throw out the "see what happens when you do good in school, keep at it!" line, but lol - I had terrible grades in college

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Frisco TX
    Great story OP. thanks for sharing.

  10. #10
    Awesome story!

  11. #11
    Great story !

    I had the opportunities to meet owner before I got my own Viper ... I was a dream and days of smiling after they let me sit in their Viper and take me for a ride !

    Let's continu sharing our passion !

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    Awesome. I am at my DR office right now and about 20 minutes ago I let a kid who was waiting with his mother sit in my viper and give him a matchbox one. How mother was thanking me so much and I said "it's a car and it is meant to be shared and enjoyed."

    Reminds me of when I was comin out of a restaurant a few years ago (before my wreck so I had my 02 GTS) and a woman came up to me and said "it's ok If you say no, but can my mother have a ride in your car?" So of course I gave this 80 yr old woman, who knew a surprising amount about vipers such as engine size and year introduced and such, a ride around the area. She loved it. And dammit, so did I. I feel like why have anything nice if you don't share it. The joy increases, IMO.

    Great story and thanks for sharing.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Silver Springs FL
    I love giving people rides in the car.

    I will say however that Giving is a form of Receiving.

    If a person has a heartfelt thanks and to them they want to express that thanks via a tip of some kind- do not deny them that experience.

  14. #14
    Way to go, keep it up Viper owners. That's a day that person will never forget

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Cameron, NC
    Thanks all. Glad to hear there are so many in our club that have a good heart.

  16. #16
    I have to throw in what happen to me at a gas station down here in FL. A family in a SUV pulled up as I was pumping gas and they were all staring and discussing my Viper. The mom gets out and comes over and asked if it would be possible for her to get a picture of her sitting in my car. "Sure, no problem" although it's usually the kids or dad wanting the picture. The husband gets out as she's sitting in it and starts to take the pictures. He takes maybe a dozen from different angles and then she gets out. I start pumping gas again and she comes around and explains that the pictures are for a tattoo artist so she can get a tattoo of it on her back. I was a little shocked and she proceeds to tell me her dad who had died recently loved Vipers although he never was able to buy one and this tat was for him. Not what I would do but to each his own I suppose, they all were waving and smiling as they pulled away.



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