If you haven't signed up for Viper Days 2.0 (with Skip Thomas), you should do it now. Slots are filling up quickly and we're trying to get an idea of whether we need to use a larger room for the classroom sessions. In case you haven't heard, it's Oct. 15 & 16 at Pitt Race, 15 miles outside of Pittsburgh. I just raced there and it's a brand new track and facility that is awesome. If you learn everything that Skip teaches you and you feel coonfident enough to register for and enter the Time Trial group with NARRA, that takes place the two following days, Oct. 17 & 18. You could have 4 days on the track with fellow Viper drivers. That's finals weekend for the NARRA series, so come to the banquet for the award ceremonies on Saturday night. They arranged inexpensive rooms at the Marriott. Go to http://narraonline.com/racing/uspde-...iver-education or call Lucie Yeakel at 817 829-4893. BTW, the price goes up on Oct. 1 so get it done now. Viper Days is sponsored by Team Tech (the best racing belts on the planet) and Hoosier Tires (the most reliable racing tire you can put on your car). Any questions....just shoot me a PM.