From what I've gathered, the Gen 5 intake is around $1,000, which is about the same cost as porting a Gen 4 lower (edit: looks like Gen 4 porting prices range from about $600 to nearly $1300, depending on the vendor).
The install isn't a straight swap due to the torque limiters that have been incorporated into this intake (the metal sleeves that can be seen in some of the pics posted)...the torque limiters were put there to keep the intake from being cracked during install. The Gen 5 heads have been machined to accept these limiters, so that leaves you with two choices: machine your Gen 4 heads to also accept them, or modify the limiters by cutting them flush on an angle, essentially eliminating them at your own risk. Obviously, these guys have been very careful during their installs, but there's the slight risk that they could be over or under-tightening the intake manifold to head fasteners, which could potentially lead to leaks. If you crack the manifold, I'd assume that it wouldn't be the easiest thing to's likely made out of Nylon-66 (or something similar), so you'd either be using epoxy or some sort of plastic welding technique to fix it. Or, you'd have a very expensive paper weight.
The "correct" way to install it would be to have your heads machined. These guys have obviously had success using the intake without these limiters, so it can clearly be done a different way, but at risk.