Tail of the Dragon Info or maybe "Something to do in Winter While Waiting For Spring"
Tail of the Dragon
Wanted to put out the word on our 10th Annual Tail of the Dragon so those of you who are snowbound can have something to think about. Since this a “VOA Bucket List” event, we have worked hard to make sure it will be something you won’t forget. The AL/TN Club has partnered with our friends in the Carolina Club to come up with a plan. The event will “officially” run from May 29-31 but we hope many of you will come in early to enjoy what the Gatlinburg area has to offer.
We are doing something we haven’t done before and that is to have a registration page. For the registration fee you get quite a lot. Not only will we know who is coming but you will get a t-shirt, a bucket list commemorative coin, and a spectacular dinner with some of the Who’s Who in the Viper Community. You will also get maps, tokens for a trolley ride to dinner, and a complete package detailing the events of the weekend. The EARLY BIRD per person registration fee is $70 for VOA members and $80 for non-VOA members. After April 1, the registration fee will rise – so don’t fool around. There will also be door prizes including hotel rooms, dinners, Viper memorabilia, and for one lucky VOA member, a new set of Pirelli tires.
Tail of the Dragon Registration Page http://carolinasvoa.com/tod_registration.htm
Here is the tentative schedule for the week:
Thursday May 28
A travel day for many. Registration desk at the host hotel, the Greystone Lodge, beginning after noon.
Dinner arrangements are on you but we suggest the Alamo, the Crystelle Creek Grille, or for those who want to go to Pigeon Forge, Margaritaville. We are making informal arrangements with the Alamo but we will have addresses of other locations.
Friday May 29
Traditionally this is the Dragon run day and we will follow that tradition. There will be groups leaving from Gatlinburg to do a “backwards” route to Tellico Plains to meet other groups coming from Knoxville and other areas.
Most folks will be at the hotel by 3:00 pm or so to get ready for the Gala Dinner Friday night. Buffet dinner at the Park Vista hotel ballroom. Trolley rides to the Park Vista will begin about 4:45 pm and the cash bar will open at 5:00. Dinner to begin around 6:15 to 6:30 pm. Our amazing speakers and door prizes to be given away around 7:15 or so. You must be present to win. Partying to begin after dinner either at the Park Vista, back at the hotel, or on the Gatlinburg strip. Let's just say the special guests will be announced soon but can you remember SRT? 'Nuff said. This will be a don't miss dinner - from all aspects!!
Saturday May 30
Some folks will want to go to the Dragon again but we will have a cruise to Cherokee and breakfast at the Casino (breakfast is $15 and there adult beverages available). After breakfast, folks will be on their own to explore Cherokee. Maggie Valley, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and other attractions like Wheels Thru Time Motorcycle museum are close by. For those who want to run the Dragon from Cherokee keep in mind that is a about a four hour run of 160 miles so a group would need to leave early to have time to get breakfast in Cherokee and make the loop.
To enable the Cherokee Grille to serve only the Viper owners in attendance, we will move the parade up to 5:00 pm. That means to get folks lined up we would have to start lining up before 4:30 pm. The parade is amazing and you don’t want to miss it but since we have a police escort to the Cherokee Grille, if you are not in line, you won’t be in the parade. The Cherokee Grille dinner is not included in the registration fee but we are handling parking. The parade will be video taped – with no music but the sound of our Vipers – and you may order a copy at dinner to be delivered Sunday morning. We hope to have a copy of the video playing at dinner and Tyrone has offered to bring his Tail of the Dragon video from last year. Of course, after dinner, you are on your own.
Sunday May 31
Another travel day for most. For those who need more, Maurice and the national VOA have organized a trip to the Pirelli Plant in Rome Georgia for an overnight stay Sunday and a plant tour Monday. Details on VOA page.
As usual there will be more details to follow. As we expect 100 plus Vipers to attend, you can see why we decided to have registration. You get a lot for the fee and you extend a courtesy to us by letting us know you are coming so we can accommodate everyone there. We realize you may have special needs or are bringing a family and we will help you any way we can. The restaurants, including the Park Vista, have children’s rates. We will offer additional t-shirts and coins for those who want them. The t-shirts in registration will be short sleeve but if you want a long sleeve t-shirt they will be available too.
If you have questions, please contact me or Brian Kennedy. The registration page is at http://carolinasvoa.com/tod_registration.htm
The host hotel info is:
Greystone Lodge
559 Parkway
Gatlinburg, TN 37738 1-800-451-9202
rates are ~$99 during the week - $109 weekend per night for king or double king
Joel Hausler 615-308-3358
Alabama/Tennessee Club
Brian Kennedy 724-822-9625
Carolinas Club