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Wow nice find! He did an amazing job on that
Thanks for sharing.
I posted that on our local club FB page and the first comment was "it's not a truck motor" lol
Good video though
Awesome video:t1236:
Really cool. Being a GM guy my whole life, I never knew much of the Viper history. Kind of funny, I was completely oblivious to the strong Cobra influence to it and 1) got this car because a backdraft cobra deal fell through and 2) I described this car as a 2013 Shelby Cobra hard top.
Cool video ! Tells the whole story on how the Viper came to be.
Bought 3 new Vipers : A Gen4 Roadster and 2 Gen5, and never cared too much about Gen1, untill a friend was selling his well cared for Black '93 with 12K miles.
A simple test drive convinced me to buy it, restored it to better than new and now it's my favorite Joy ride car....when the wheather is nice.
Too funny, I had one of those toy guns they show in the beginning of the video back in the day. It was amazing.