Conversation Between serpent and SirHiss

2 Visitor Messages

  1. S1000RR is an amazing machine... I just wrecked mine last year. I have had many bikes over the years but I can say without hesitation, that bike will outperform 99% of rider capabilities. If you go down on that bike, it’s gunna be due to user error rather than the bike giving up on you in any way. No words can really explain how impressive these bikes are.

    That being said, if you ever need parts or donor bike, I still have mine sitting in the garage. Clean title as accident never reported, engine only had 4kish miles on it, but wife will kill me if I try to rebuild. Something about almost losing a leg and spending 3 months in a hospital and 6 months in a wheelchair really turned her off to bikes haha.
  2. Couldn’t find the TA on autotrader can you send me link by chance?
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