Conversation Between FLATOUT and SirHiss

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Good evening Andy,

    I am in the middle of purchasing a viper to join the viper family from a fella who speaks very highly of you and said you may know him haha. His name is Alex Ristanovic. I was reaching out because he said you might be able to help me out with a couple things. We are planning to have the car shipped in from Arizona and unfortunately Alex is a tall fella and I’m a very short fella so the fact he installed the seat lowering kit and it won’t slide forward or backward anymore is an issue for me. I was curious if there was any chance on this planet you may have an opening to swap it back to the standard and maybe do an oil change for me when it arrives and lastly if it was ok to have it shipped directly to you guys. (I live about 3 minutes down the road)

    Looking forward to chatting soon and thanks for your time!
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