View Full Version : Junkman....saw a new product, need your input

08-05-2015, 03:21 PM
I just saw this product that is some sort of sealer that is water activated and provides a "silica" shell whatever that means. I hate using water on my Viper, but on our company trucks and daily drivers, this seems like it might have some merit. If you do have any experience with this type of product, how long does the shine and water beading I see in the videos last? I would assume you have to start with a decently prepped surface to begin with.




08-06-2015, 02:36 AM
Did you seriously get sucked in by THAT video???

What was it about that video that remotely made you think that you just watched some earth shattering, mind blowing technology? I could make a video doing the same EXACT thing using a bottle of water and a garden hose! The car's paint was fixed and shiny when the video started! There was NOTHING about what you saw that would have convinced me to spend the 6 wasted minutes that I spent watching that video! What a crock! They didn't do anything! The emperor has no cloths! Don't let a video like that suck you in! They never explained the technology behind that product or how it works. They also didn't bother to start the video out by showing you a CLOSE UP of the car like they did at the end of the video. They didn't prove anything!

Put your wallet back in your pocket and use whatever money you were thinking about spending on that stuff to take your wife out to a very nice restaurant. Get a fresh haircut, shave and wear a new suit. I can guarantee you that the return that you will get from THAT investment will pay triple the dividends over whatever crap shine that product is "supposed" to create. Trust me on that. Don't fall for the hype. That product left you with all kinds of questions. You wanna know why?

Because YOUR common sense was kicking you in your A$$! Listen to it! :orange:

08-06-2015, 09:42 AM
Junkman, any input on the Adam's Polish H20 Guard & Gloss? Water activated sealant? Ive been using it on my DD for a little better protection and was curious on your thoughts. Thanks


08-06-2015, 09:57 AM
Now tell me, what is the difference between that product and what the OP posted? Absolutely nothing. Spraying some kind of spray on a wet car is going to make it shine? Did you see how the car was already shiny when they started? Am I the only one who is seeing through this hype??? You can also spray it on the windows and trim and it still works? REALLY?

If that's the case, I want to sell it to the United States military. Because why would we spend time POLISHING stuff to create a shine when all you have to do is get it wet, spray some juice on it and wipe it off. Wallah, instant shine!

Shoot me in the head already! http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh216/Junkman2008/Smileys/thud-1.gif

08-06-2015, 10:09 AM
I wasn't really all that interested in the shine aspect as I was in the sealant properties.

08-06-2015, 10:54 AM
Let me help you out with some products that actually work, especially in the area of sealants. Hi-Temp, Menzerna, Collinite and Meguiar's are just 4 names of manufacturers who unlike Adam's, actually manufacture the sealants they sell. They have the factories and the chemist. If you want a quality sealant, start by looking at those brands. Those are just a few names that people in the know look at.

08-06-2015, 04:26 PM
Thanks I'll check out the sealants you listed. I have to ask, in your earlier videos you seem to use a lot of Adam's products. Did they change their manufacturing process or did you realize there were better products out there?

I already bought a gallon of the H20 guard/gloss (it was on sale and I had a gift card) so I'll probably use it since it helps keep the bug guts from sticking to the front bumper. 45 minutes to/from work on the back roads of PA and the bug guts are in abundance.

Viper Girl
08-06-2015, 07:15 PM
Just to jump in here with a "review" on the new nano finishes...

They are not worthy of all the hype... You can buy a shit load of wax for what they are charging for most of these nano finishes...
The performance they claim isn't there, you will get scratches, you will get rock chips.

Save your $ and buy from a good wax company...

08-07-2015, 12:13 AM
... I have to ask, in your earlier videos you seem to use a lot of Adam's products. Did they change their manufacturing process or did you realize there were better products out there?

It's not a case of better products being out there because the products that you saw me use worked as advertised. Now you will notice that I only made videos about the stuff I felt was worth talking about but definitely not everything that they sold. One thing that I didn't care for was how overpriced some of that stuff was, especially when compared to products on the market that seem to be VERY similar in consistency , performance, color and smell. Since Adam's doesn't have their own manufacturing facility, you know that they are most likely relabeling what they are selling. Numerous people have pointed this out on a many forum and Adam's is by far not the only company that does this. What I decided to do is to narrow the products that I use down to companies that actually manufacture the stuff I use. That way, I can pickup the phone and speak with the actual chemist who has the degree.in what it takes to create this stuff. If I have any question about what the product contains, how safe it is or whatever, that person can answer my question with a substantial amount of detail and clarity. I like having access to that level of information.

The other reasons that I quit using those products are of a personal nature so I won't bore you with those details here. ;)

08-11-2015, 08:56 PM
Thanks for the input Junkman.......interesting what can be claimed with silica.


08-11-2015, 10:32 PM
Thanks for the input Junkman.......interesting what can be claimed with silica.


No, thank you for bringing that over-hyped stuff to light so that others can learn from your question. :)