View Full Version : Riding shotgun in a gen III/IV Coupe.

07-04-2015, 10:27 AM
I made a thread in the Northern California section in hopes of getting a ride in a coupe. Now I know the stigma of not letting anyone you know drive the car (relatives included).
How about riding shotgun and maybe sitting in the drivers seat while the car is parked?

Just want to experience either gen III or IV before I move further into buying a car, (being on the hunt).

Also, if you weren't a previous viper owner how did you decide if car was for you? Dealerships don't have any older vipers to test drive and test driving the new one... forget about it!

Steve M
07-04-2015, 10:35 AM
Before buying mine, I had only sat in a Gen 4 one time, so that was the extent of my experience. The dealership I bought mine from used let me test drive it before buying, but I'm honestly not sure if it would have changed my mind at all...I just really wanted a Viper. The car has some quirks (cramped cockpit, heat from the side sills, hard to get in and out of, etc.), but overall it is worth it just for the driving experience. The best way I can describe it is that it is a very Russian design; i.e. you are trying to fix your glasses, and instead of reaching for a tiny screwdriver, you grab a sledgehammer.

07-04-2015, 10:55 AM
^ that Russian description is fucking awesome. Made me smile and laugh!

I think about the viper all day and basically anyone close to me knows I've been eyeing one. I had a chance to sit in a 06 coupe but never did, and saw the person that bought it is a member here. He has a c6z also. That was almost a year and a half ago. Things have been looking up and I'm just tired of my current car. Maybe the grass is just greener on the other side? Either way, I'm not a large person and have sat in a few sporty cars, the only thing that doesnt mesh too much for me is the seat width. I don't have massive lats, but it's just what I noticed. Perhaps these cars and italian exotics are made for skinny F1 drivers.

07-04-2015, 11:15 AM
Why not find a local one for sale and go check it out and drive?

Steve M
07-04-2015, 12:01 PM
People can take any amount of offense to this they want, but here goes: Corvettes (speaking of the C5/C6, haven't sat in a C7) are made to accommodate fat old dudes. Driven in anger, the C6 seats in particular don't hold you in place very well, and it sucks. For a long haul, they are more comfortable than the Gen 3/4 Viper seats, but nothing dramatic. I'm 6'4" and around 235 pounds, and the fit is snug, no doubt about it. My wife is all of 5'4" and about 110 pounds, and she fits well. I bought my Viper in Oklahoma, and proceeded to drive it back to Ohio over the span of about 13 hours...the seats never once bothered me. As an aside, that drive back is one of the fondest memories I have of this car.

Bottom line: Viper = no fat chicks allowed. Seriously...they won't fit in the seats.

07-04-2015, 12:23 PM
When I bought mine I had never seen a Viper up close, only passing me on the highway. All my close ups were pics on the interweb. Bought mine from a small town dealer who let me test drive in the snow! Don't think I got out of second gear. Basically, as soon as I laid eyes on it I knew i was going to buy it. First time I started it I knew I was home. Took a while to feel comfortable in it, but the 600 mile drive home helped. Next long trip was Cali, 6000 miles. No back issues, those seats are very comfortable for the long haul. If taken care of (like anything) it is an extremely reliable car. Best described as an unruly child, not a temperamental bitch. Also, it's not a Vette.

Steve M
07-04-2015, 12:51 PM
Also, it's not a Vette.

That, IMO, is one of the best aspects of ownership, although I can't tell you how many Corvette "waves" I've gotten since at first glance people can mistake it for a C6.

Granted, the exclusivity I enjoy so much is also the reason why headers cost $3,000+, and in general the aftermarket sucks, especially for Gen 4/5 cars, although that's taken a turn for the better over the past couple years. Still, if you plan to mod one, you'd better have a pile of cash, especially if you want something more than just the usual bolt-ons. Granted, the usual bolt-ons will get you to around 600 at the tires, and that's nothing to sneeze at. But that will still cost you a pile of cash.

07-04-2015, 01:26 PM
Exclusivity is the magic word. Numbers are approximate and feel free to correct me, but from '92 to 2014 there were roughly 20,000 Vipers produced. In the same timeframe, GM produced a half million Corvettes. Gen 3/4's are often mistaken for Vette's, usually by people who just aren't into cars. The other's stop whatever they are doing, smile and stare. Camera's come out of nowhere. Look in your rearview, that couple in the car behind you is talking about your car and pointing. The guy making the left turn towards you is too enthralled with your car to watch where he is going. People wind down their windows to hear the engine and complement you at the traffic lights. Gas stations and parking lots are places you make new friends. Age has no bearing on the Viper fan, everyone admires with a respectful eye. I have been stuck in construction in the middle of Death Valley, guy gets out of his car with his camera and the next thing i know, I've got the hood is up and five of us are chatting. I owned a Vette before the Viper - it's not the same.

07-04-2015, 03:06 PM
I should have a gen 4 in house in the next few days. As a new to me car I will be looking for excuses to drive it!
The dealer I am purchasing from was kind enough to let me drive it. The cockpit feels great to me. Plenty of adjustments to get everything in the right place. I like having a snug cockpit. The cockpit reminds me a bit of my 2000 TT (if you know that one). Everything is right there. I am 5-11 200lbs. The bolsters are noticeable on my arse. Not in a bad way. Once I take delivery I'd be happy to take you out on a ride.

07-04-2015, 03:56 PM
Why not find a local one for sale and go check it out and drive?
The closest local one is about 60 miles away owned by a specialty car dealer: http://www.specialtysales.com/vehicles/11148

Not sure they would even let me test drive, as much as I love Vipers, I don't want to drive 120miles just to look at something and not have a chance to drive it. If it was an 08 it might entice me to go...

I know at this point prices wont go any lower since I am in California and its sports car season!

07-04-2015, 07:02 PM
There's one in Northern Ca. and not too far from you. He's one of the best in Norcal selling Vipers and exotic cars. I bought mine from him :) He will let you test drive one if you're serious in getting one :). I test drove mine before I bought it. PM me if you are interested.

07-05-2015, 04:28 AM
I'm in Arizona. Glad to give you a ride. But obviously geography gets in the way. But if you happen to be in Tucson, not a problem so let me know and we can set that up. I let people sit in it/give people rides all the time. It's a car and is meant to be enjoyed. I even keep matchbox vipers to give out to kids at gas stations or wherever cause kids always love the Viper.

As far as the seats go, anyone with experience in performance cars tends to say that the seats are nice and snug for holding you in place at the track. Comfort on long drives 5,8,10 hours is a person to person thing like any car. I personally don't find the seats uncomfortable at all on long drives and recently did about 8 hours of driving in an 11 hour drive and was plenty comfortable. I am also only 5'8 so I am nowhere near the limits of fitting in the car. I will tell you this about passengers though. my girlfriend loves the seats. She says she feels really safe in the seat. She said she even finds it comforting sitting in the Viper because she feels so wrapped up in them and protected. I took my mother for a ride and she said something similar, that the seats feel like that are grabbing you and holding you in place.

That's the best I can do without being geographically close to you. Sorry im not closer. Try posting in the part of the forum for your area. That way you will be able to talk to people who are much closer to you. Best of luck.

07-05-2015, 03:51 PM
^ what a coincidence! I'll be in Arizona on the 14 visiting mom, unfortunately I wont have time for pleasure :(. Thanks for the offer though. Maybe one day a local dealer will have one for me to check out.

07-05-2015, 10:24 PM
What part of Arizona? And how long are you here? I would be glad to meet up with you. If you don't feel like announcing your plans to everyone, you can PM me. But I am glad to help out a fellow Viper lover and future owner. These cars are meant to be driven, shared, and enjoyed.

07-05-2015, 10:26 PM
I'm 6'2, 195lbs, drove 20 hours strait from Wisconsin to New Mexico the very first time I sat in my 2004 viper... Or any viper for that matter. The ride was fine for the first 15 hours... But the last 5 had my ass hurting... My friend drove back with me and he is 5'10 250lbs, said the ride was much less comfortable for him. Needless to say I enjoyed the ride and have been in love with the car ever since... These cars really do have a "bite"!

07-06-2015, 11:00 AM
What part of Arizona? And how long are you here? I would be glad to meet up with you. If you don't feel like announcing your plans to everyone, you can PM me. But I am glad to help out a fellow Viper lover and future owner. These cars are meant to be driven, shared, and enjoyed.
Hmm. Maybe I can meet you somewhere, I'll be driving around in a rental while I visit my parents. Pm sent.

07-06-2015, 01:02 PM
The best way I can describe it is that it is a very Russian design; i.e. you are trying to fix your glasses, and instead of reaching for a tiny screwdriver, you grab a sledgehammer.

As a russian viper owner, I approve this message :)