View Full Version : Value of TA's

07-01-2015, 04:33 PM
Would any of you buy a Gen V viper that had its motor replaced under warranty?

And on the other side, if it was your viper, would you accept a motor replacement or pursue other avenues.

Just a couple of hypothetical questions after seeing the black ta thread.

07-01-2015, 04:47 PM
I wouldn't have an issue buying one that had the motor replaced, as long as documentation was all done.

07-01-2015, 05:17 PM
I wouldn't have an issue buying one that had the motor replaced, as long as documentation was all done.

I feel the same way, chances of getting two bunk motors has to be pretty slim. I'd try to get it a bit cheaper though, just because I think you could......

07-01-2015, 05:25 PM
The only issue I'd have it was a branded title due to lemon. Other than that, drive it like you stole it.

07-01-2015, 05:34 PM
I wouldn't have an issue buying one that had the motor replaced, as long as documentation was all done.

Agreed. Wouldn't bother me at all but a branded title if it was a buyback would. Otherwise, screw it. Matching numbers have never mattered a bit on Vipers.

07-01-2015, 05:34 PM
The only issue I'd have it was a branded title due to lemon. Other than that, drive it like you stole it.

It wouldn't be a lemon, because they fixed it. But my concern would be it will show up on carfax so there has to be a value hit.

07-01-2015, 05:42 PM
Don't think it would take a value hit because it was never an accident, if every transmission or diff that was replaced under warranty threw a red flag no one would buy them. Would you rather have a bum motor when you bought it or a for sure new motor? That's the question.

07-01-2015, 05:50 PM
It wouldn't be a lemon, because they fixed it. But my concern would be it will show up on carfax so there has to be a value hit.

Non lemon wouldn't bother me in the slightest. If in 50 years these are collector cars it maybe an issue, but I am not going to wait for that :)

07-01-2015, 05:59 PM
If you're asking personally would I, the answer would depend on what dealer did the swap. To some that may seem picky, it's just a motor swap, but having taken a viper to a dealer with 3 viper techs who couldn't figure out how to reset TPMS sensors, or do an alignment correctly, I'd never buy a motor swap from a dealer that wasn't on a top notch list, like woodjouse, Roanoke, etc. that's just me and in that case, I'd have no reservation buying it or getting my motor swapped there.

If you're asking if it would hurt the 'value', I'd say yes in general, not everyone buying these cars is savvy, and we generally have a decent selection of well taken care of cars, so a motor swap on a carfax could ward off potential buyers before they'd even look at in unless the price were attractive, so that requires an attractive price, or lower value. And personally with BMWs which are about as reliable as a crack head deadbeat dad, I've had trade in values lowered due to repeat and invasive warranty work, as the dealers said they provide carfax to buyers and the buyers get turned off by a lot of work on the report and hence a hit to the value.

So, to me personally, with the right dealer, it's all good, but in general unless you're trading and dealing with one of our great viper dealers here, I'd say it would have an impact, how much, no clue.

07-01-2015, 06:05 PM
In some ways, I would prefer to buy a used '13 or '14 Viper with a replaced motor. That way, I have a better feeling that it doesn't have whatever might have been a common failure cause with the earlier motor. (Not that there are any known common causes.)

07-01-2015, 06:09 PM
I wouldn't have an issue buying one that had the motor replaced, as long as documentation was all done.

Me either. I know it's not an exotic, but my CTS-4 that the girlfriend drives had a new motor put in it at 3,000 miles. 30,000 miles now with no issues. I bought it from a Cadillac dealer and it was a "certified" GM used vehicle. I bought an extended warranty and drive the heck out of it. It has a normal title and it doesn't show up on Carfax either. I wouldn't have known if the dealer hadn't been up front and told me about it and then showed me the documentation from GM.

I do agree that the dealer that did the swap would make a difference though.

07-01-2015, 06:10 PM
Would any of you buy a Gen V viper that had its motor replaced under warranty?

And on the other side, if it was your viper, would you accept a motor replacement or pursue other avenues.

Just a couple of hypothetical questions after seeing the black ta thread.

I would have no problem buying one with a replaced motor, however, I wouldn't buy the car if it was out of warranty or close to it. I've always had cars that had problems in waves so I wouldn't buy a 2013 that just had the motor changed out and the warranty is about to expire in a couple weeks.

07-01-2015, 06:15 PM
Nobody would choose a rebuilt car over an original motor when comparing cars of equal mileage and specs, so that would indicate a rebuilt is worth less apples to apples. There would have to be a price incentive to choose otherwise.

07-01-2015, 07:28 PM
Nobody would choose a rebuilt car over an original motor when comparing cars of equal mileage and specs, so that would indicate a rebuilt is worth less apples to apples. There would have to be a price incentive to choose otherwise.

Unfortunately this is true. I wouldn't have a problem knowing what I know now about the Viper and Arrow...rewind back when I was first looking to purchase one and I would say absolutely not. The perspective we all have is because we are familiar with them now and have a level of comfort seeing others go through blown motor situations....imagine a first time Viper buyer.

Nine Ball
07-01-2015, 08:17 PM
I would have no problem buying a car with a warranty engine installed. That is what warranties are for! I'd be more leery of cars that had been in accidents.

07-01-2015, 08:55 PM
Unfortunately this is true. I wouldn't have a problem knowing what I know now about the Viper and Arrow...rewind back when I was first looking to purchase one and I would say absolutely not. The perspective we all have is because we are familiar with them now and have a level of comfort seeing others go through blown motor situations....imagine a first time Viper buyer.

They wanted to put a new motor in my car and I said absolutely not, I would not even consider it. It's a personal preference thing but I have seen several vipers for sale with replaced motors and no matter what anyone says on here, it does affect the value. My car with a replacement motor would have been much harder to sell.

07-02-2015, 02:04 AM
My Gen IV motor blew at 19k miles and was rebuilt under warranty by Arrow (who does all the engine warranty work). I kicked in a few extra dollars and received a warranty engine rebuild that was better than factory new. While nobody likes to experience a blown motor, I was very pleased with the warranty work.

07-02-2015, 04:05 AM
I have no issue if the warranty is there with all the supporting documents. That's why I purchased my viper from my local dealer even though I could have had it imported for a less price. And yes, I would accept a replaced motor under warranty. It will take a hit on the resale value though.

07-02-2015, 06:45 AM
Replaced motor on suspect year car > original motor with uncertainty.......I'm selling mine for more if that day ever comes.

Fatboy 18
07-02-2015, 07:23 AM
I wouldn't have an issue buying one that had the motor replaced, as long as documentation was all done.
This :) If anything it would give me peace of mind as there seem to have been an awful lot of "Issues" with the product! Its a bit like when I purchased my car, there was a factory sticker stating the car had had a PCM upgrade. Did not bother me, an engine would be no different as long as all the warranties were in order.

07-02-2015, 07:36 AM
When you get a replacement motor, does the 5 year warranty on the drive train restart from that point?
If so, that would certainly be a plus.

Nine Ball
07-02-2015, 09:32 AM
When you get a replacement motor, does the 5 year warranty on the drive train restart from that point?
If so, that would certainly be a plus.

No. And that wouldn't be a realistic idea. The warranty is on the car, not the drivetrain. If anything occurs while under warranty, it gets fixed - just like any other car.

07-02-2015, 09:44 AM
Replaced motor on suspect year car > original motor with uncertainty

Very good point.

07-02-2015, 10:05 AM
Most Viper buyers wouldn't even know how to check if the engine has been replaced or where if anywhere the VIN might be stamped on the engine. Ok, they could check service records at a dealer but who really gives a fu@& if the engine was replaced. i certainly wouldn't. These cars have not become collector cars like an old Ferrari GTO or something.

Ok, a branded title, that's a different story.

07-02-2015, 10:15 AM
Doesn't it show up on Carfax?

07-02-2015, 10:22 AM
These cars have not become collector cars like an old Ferrari GTO or something.

what's pretty funny is most of those old race cars have been wrecked 5 times yet still bring millions

07-02-2015, 10:31 AM
Nobody would choose a rebuilt car over an original motor when comparing cars of equal mileage and specs, so that would indicate a rebuilt is worth less apples to apples. There would have to be a price incentive to choose otherwise.

This is spot on!

07-02-2015, 11:12 AM
Nobody would choose a rebuilt car over an original motor when comparing cars of equal mileage and specs, so that would indicate a rebuilt is worth less apples to apples. There would have to be a price incentive to choose otherwise.

This is spot on!

The question to be answered is how much less is a car worth if it has a brand new engine; built substantially after the production line was up and running and most of the design and manufacturing issues have been resolved? Let's say, comparing a 2013 base with 3000 miles on it with OE engine versus the devalued one with 3000 miles on it with a warrantee engine installed at 2950 miles?