View Full Version : ***Next event is Saturday, July 11th***

06-23-2015, 11:30 AM
Our next event will be different than anything we've done so far this year so plan to join us at none other than the Redneck Country Club for dinner and live music!!!

VOA members, Connie & Billy Stagner, owners of Acori Diamond & Design, have generously offered tickets to the event so please RSVP to info@houstonviperclub.com so we make sure there are plenty of tickets and more importantly, reserved parking for our snakes! The staff at the RCC is very excited to host us and see all our cars so bring 'em out in a show of force!


When: Saturday, July 11th
Where: Redneck Country Club
1110 W. Airport Blvd., Stafford, TX 77477
Time: 7 p.m.
Band: Danny Brooks Duo (new to the RCC)
Section: Connie & BIlly's reserved area in the VIR section. What's a VIR you ask???? A Very Important Redneck!!!!!

Connie says the food is generally set up between 7:30 and 8

All you need to cover is your beverage bill and Acori's got the rest!!!

Be ready to put on your best bib and tucker and join us at the RCC for a most memorable evening!

06-23-2015, 11:57 AM
I'm in! I'll see if I can drag Terri out for this as well. Should be great!

06-23-2015, 02:44 PM
Might as well get an adult evening out!!

07-07-2015, 11:32 AM
B and I are in, just need to clean up the cars ...... are bib overalls required?

07-07-2015, 01:09 PM
No overalls required but no one will question you if you wear them either! Can't say as I driven a Viper in Boots yet!


07-12-2015, 09:28 AM
Huge thanks to Connie & Billy Stagner, owners of Acori Diamond & Design, for hosting an absolutely awesome evening last night at the Redneck Country Club. We had a great turnout and the staff was awed and amazed at the skittle selection of our creatures! Edgar brought out his General Lee and we had 2 new owners join us. One just joined the club last week and the other will now they know where to find the proper join button!

For those of ya'll that didn't come out - you missed a great time!