View Full Version : New Viper Owner and Introduction!

12-02-2013, 08:36 AM
Hi, I'm Derek. I like long moon lit walks on the beach...just kidding!

My name is Derek Bowman. I'm 23 years old (I'll be 24 later this month), I live in Amsterdam, NY which is approximately 30 miles west of Albany. I'm a graduate student and work in law enforcement/correction. I love cars and motorcycles, but mostly cars (I've owned 9 sports/muscle/luxury cars and 3 motorcycles so far.

When I was a little kid I saw a picture of a Dodge Viper, it was love at first sight, and said, "I'm going to own one some day." I tried really hard to convince my parents to get me one for my 16th Birthday and basically have it count as the only present I get for the rest of my life, but that didn't happen since my said she called the insurance company and they wouldn't insure me for that car (I later found out that was a lie to get me to leave them alone about it since one of the first things I did when I got my own policy was call up to get a quote on what it would cost to insure a Viper...well played, Mom). I got a 1996 Firebird Formula instead so I can't complain because that was a pretty cool first car. Anyways, I set the goal of owning a Viper by the time I turned 25. Back in March I couldn't wait any longer so I bought a 2003 SRT-10 in Viper Red with only 5,026 miles on it.

I set a new goal: I want to own a Viper from every generation (at least the first 4) including a 1992 RT/10, the b/w 1996 GTS, and a Gen IV that is Viper Red with white racing stripes and the red/black interior so if any of you have one, please let me know so in 5-20 years from now I can convince you to sell it to me.

At approximately 12:20 PM on November 18th, I officially joined the VOA along with a whole bunch of other people. I belong to the NY/CT region and have been active in trying to get some events in the Upstate and downstate NY area for us to attend (and any other Viper owners are welcomed to join for that matter). Right now I'm looking out my window looking at the snow on the ground and wishing I lived in Florida or Hawaii or someplace where it doesn't snow so I could be driving the Viper right now instead of admiring it in the garage...

I can't wait for the Spring so I can meet a lot of fellow Viper owners (they're pretty rare where I live) and we can go to events and have a good time. Until then, take it easy and drive safe!

Jack's GTS
12-02-2013, 10:11 AM
Welcome aboard Derek!

12-02-2013, 10:16 AM
Welcome from the Midwest.


12-02-2013, 10:52 AM
Welcome to the VOA!

12-02-2013, 10:57 AM

12-02-2013, 10:57 AM

Now, get rid of the run craps - otherwise I am afraid that you might not be able to blow out the 25 candles on your birthday cake next year :p

12-02-2013, 11:00 AM

Now, get rid of the run craps - otherwise I am afraid that you might not be able to blow out the 25 candles on your birthday cake next year :p

LOL I'm looking! What tire would you recommend?

12-02-2013, 11:03 AM
Congrats and welcome!!!! I'm a few hours west of you but hopefully can make it to some NY events next year.

Fatboy 18
12-02-2013, 11:53 AM
Hello dbow119, Welcome to the world of Vipers, Great to see you picked a fast colour :D

As others have said, get yourself some new tires for the spring :) Best thing you could do with those old tires is this


12-02-2013, 12:00 PM


Bill Pemberton
12-02-2013, 12:25 PM
You are in a great area of the Country , with a rabid bunch of Snakecharmers and Spring will be here soon and you will finally get to meet the Wizard!! Don't faill to call Tator's Garage for advice
and help, as Chuck is a Viperholic just like so many others who own this torquemonster. No worries taking your car to him for a check up or mods, he essentially adopts all Vipers that end up
in his care!

12-02-2013, 12:30 PM
Welcome aboard! Post some pics!

12-02-2013, 01:12 PM
You are in a great area of the Country , with a rabid bunch of Snakecharmers and Spring will be here soon and you will finally get to meet the Wizard!! Don't faill to call Tator's Garage for advice
and help, as Chuck is a Viperholic just like so many others who own this torquemonster. No worries taking your car to him for a check up or mods, he essentially adopts all Vipers that end up
in his care!

Great advice, Bill!

JonB ~ PartsRack
12-02-2013, 02:49 PM
DITCH the Run-Flats BEFORE they ditch YOU!!! Avoid 'Run Craps' or most 'Shittos'

Ditto on Chuck T..... he will almost certainly advise you to go wuth Michelin Super Sports or PS2s. Cost ya about $1350-$1550 respectively. Your safety and improved traction+handling: PRICELESS.

Email me an address and Ill send you a new-owner-doo-dad. {{{Been a LONG time since I made THAT offer. Oldtimers will remember....}}}}


12-02-2013, 03:59 PM
Welcome to the VOA. Congrats on getting your first viper. Your goal of owning a viper from every generation is a good one. As far as tires go, Super Sports are a great investment as JohnB has stated. Deff get the run craps off of that beast. Enjoy your new toy and get used to it before you go geten crazy in it. Vipers are a breed of their own. Respect it and you will have a lifetime of memories with it. If you don't "It will bite you".

12-02-2013, 04:29 PM
Welcome aboard from a fellow New Yorker.

12-02-2013, 04:54 PM
JonB has great price on Mich Super Sports, my recommendation.

12-02-2013, 05:41 PM
Welcome to the party!!! We need pics!!!

12-02-2013, 09:52 PM


Great Vid! Also like the hard top on the vert.

12-02-2013, 09:56 PM
Very cool.

If I would have had a Viper when I was your age, .......I wouldn't be here today.

When driving your Viper,
Watch out for the cops.

12-02-2013, 11:15 PM
Welcome to the VOA. I will echo everyone else who says get the new tires (LOVE PS2s here)

12-03-2013, 02:50 PM
Thanks everyone!

Stretch-I have some relatives out in Ohio. I've only been out there once. Yes, I'm active in helping Skeeter, Tony, etc. in planning some events in upstate NY (I actually have to return someone's phone call about having an event in Saratoga and going to the track after. As long as that is a go, everyone (regardless of which region you belong to) is welcomed to come!

Fatboy 18-Great video! I have to ask about your username though, did you have a Harley Fatboy?

Bill Pemberton-I've had the privilege of meeting Chuck earlier this year in May. I have talked to him a few times since. It is always great to talk to the Viper Wizard...maybe he'll let me hang out at his garage on my off days and let me become his apprentice!

slowhatch and 1ststrike-I have pictures uploaded in an album on my profile page.

ViperGTS-Great video! I like the aftermarket hard top. I once saw one that had a good scoop in it...wish I knew what make that one was because it looks awesome!

JonB-I'll send you an email soon.

Torquemonster06-Trust me when I tell you I've seen enough youtube videos since I was a kid that has shown what happens when you don't respect a Viper. Just like the real snake, treat it with respect and things are normally fine...if you don't then it will bite you and ruin your week or kill you.

Anonymous-Thanks! I'm sure I'll see you at a few events. Is the picture you used as your avatar taken in front of Chuck's garage?

Alan-Yes, I am fortunate to have one at my age since most people my age are tens of thousands in debt from student loans...goes to show what you can do regardless of your age as long as you work hard, save and invest your money. I have an advantage since I work in law enforcement...well technically corrections at the moment since I'm waiting to hear back from civil service exams I took for the state police, sheriff, etc....either way I just have to flash my badge if I get pulled over and normally they'll just let you go since it is frowned upon to give a ticket to someone who works in the field (haven't had to test it yet). However, I don't really get on it too often even though every time I drive it, I am tempted to. I try to lead by example and not be one of those cops that everyone complains about for not following the laws because he has a badge that allows him to get away with it.