View Full Version : Memorial weekend Viper getaway 2015

05-21-2015, 11:50 PM
Tomorrow is the day we leave on the Memorial weekend getaway tour of Colorado wine country! I'm excited! First tour with the group in the Viper for me and the Mrs.

For those of you unfamiliar with Colorado wine country, we're headed to the western slope in and around the Grand Junction area.

I thought I'd post a pre tour pic hanging out at IPSCO world headquarters getting some last minute work accomplished. Thanks for the new transmission bushing and bracket, Mark. Shifting is much more pleasant! Notice those nice wheels on the Gen 5 in the background!

See you all on the road tomorrow!


05-25-2015, 04:37 PM
Friday happenings

About 15 vipers met at the Buffalo overlook for a soggy journey westward. After picking up a few additional cars along the way, we all stopped for lunch in Glenwood Springs. We then proceeded back East about 15 miles for an arranged tour of the Hanging Lake Tunnel operations center. After the tours, we all made our way West to our accommodations in Palisade. After a bit of relaxation and car washing, we all piled in a bus which transported us to dinner. After the stressful drive, a few were ready for some unwinding!






05-25-2015, 05:01 PM
An early Saturday found us leaving for a road tour to the Grand Mesa. Our first stop was to the visitor center where we were given a fantastic presentation on the geology of the area. We then headed down the road for a fantastic lunch at the Alexander Lake Lodge. Our afternoon departure and stop for a group pic found us fighting our way down the mountain in a hail/snow/grapple storm. We were over 10,000 feet of elevation, where winter is attempting to hang on.

Safely back to the hotel, we had a quick break before heading back out for a tour of the Tammy Allen car museum. Quite the eclectic mix of cars, but well worth checking out if you're in the Grand Junction area.

Dinner on the way back to the hotel was followed by some time at the pool and fire pit hanging out with all of our newfound friends. Another fantastic day on the books.





05-25-2015, 05:39 PM
Sunday we headed southwest towards Gateway, CO and the surrounding area. A spirited drive on a scenic road which is not to be missed if you're in this area. A visit to the Gateway Canyons Auto museum is on the must do list while you're down there.

One new member of the group (us) decided to bail on the group and get some gas before heading up the canyon. Our lack of proper prior planning found us tooling down the roadway alone attempting to catch up to the group. A coyote must have sensed our lonely manner and decided to attack the Viper while we were doing the, uh, speed limit. Although it was much worse for the coyote, Violet (our Viper) did sustain damage to the front bumper, fog lamp, fascia area. Lesson learned the hard way. Some removal of broken items, and my Harbor Freight torque wrench used as a pry bar got us back on the road in time to rejoin the group for another fantastic day. Thanks to everyone in the group for their assistance, advice and general commiseration in our bang up. We're saddened for the coyote and Violet, but happy something worse didn't happen and grateful for the support of our new friends in the group. The fantastic drive back from the canyon area was uneventful.

The evening included another bus trip off site for dinner and general revelry which continued after returning back to the hotel. Good times with good people!

Warning, The first pic may make you a bit squeamish. Sorry coyote!



A closer look at those spare tires:



05-26-2015, 02:47 AM
Bummed I missed it. I had signed up originally, but my engine rebuild is continually dragging on.